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Messages - adam193

The JHS Alpine has an effects loop built into it, its pretty cool...

How hard is it to build something like this into a DIY Reverb pedal?
Okay. Just figured it out. It only turns on if the 1/4" jacks are plugged in. It works just fine. On to finishing the artwork and boxing it up.

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Power supply is a 1 spot. 9 volt.

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I'll resolder the jack back on and take some pix.
Here is how the schematic has it :

How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / First build, small issue
February 04, 2017, 07:14:36 PM
Built my first pedal this morning, yay me!

BYOC 5 Knob Compressor.

Wired it up, put a battery in, worked great!

Tried the AC adapter (One Spot), and it did not work. Boo!

Opened it up, everything looked fine.

Pulled out the multimeter, one of the positive circuits reads 19V.
The other reads 0.

I unsoldered the circuit from the plug and tried it the outside circuit reads 19V, the inside one 0.

Do I have a bad female AC adapter?

What else could it be?

Thanks, ad
Solder sucker for the win!

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My first build is underway. (Boyc 5 knob compressor)

Wondering how people organize parts. Here's what I came up with for resistors: 

How do you all organize a build?

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Hi. Newbie here.

Working on the confidence booster.

I mistakenly filled in one socket (sorry if that's the wrong word) for a resistor while soldering in another.

How can I remove the solder with a wick? I can't seem to get the solder out of the hole.

Thanks in advance. Ad.

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Quote from: m-Kresol on January 26, 2017, 07:15:46 PM
the cardinal or drolo's twin peaks (tap tremolo!) are awesome projects

there's a group buy for the twin peaks going on atm too

Sorry for the dumb question, but what's ATM? I'd like to try the twin peaks.

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