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Messages - jonnygreentrees

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel clock noise
February 10, 2017, 09:18:00 AM
Already tried that and unfortunately there was no such spot.

I'll try shielded wires for input and output is that board I/O to switch or switch to I/O jacks or both?

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel clock noise
February 09, 2017, 09:40:38 PM
Balls it is the wiring, when i move the PCB out the case the ticking goes away. Guess I'll have to rebox in a 1590BB :(
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel clock noise
February 09, 2017, 08:31:11 PM
Thanks I'll give that a go
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pork Barrel clock noise
February 09, 2017, 08:10:12 PM
Mentioned this in my build report but thought it was worth mentioning here too.

Just finished my Pork Barrel and I'm getting a quiet ticking that is audible even when the pedal is bypassed. The ticking changes speed with the rate knob. It was much louder until I wiggled the bottom right transistor and then in got quieter but it's still there

Any ideas?

Build Reports / Pork Barrel
February 09, 2017, 07:55:39 PM
Just boxed this up, bloody hell it's a tight fit in a 1590B!

Guts are a total rat's nest  :-[

Question: I'm getting a quiet ticking sound (clock noise) even when the pedal is bypassed! Is there anything I can do about this?

thanks for the replies.

I built the clarinot and it's not the effect I'm after. I'll check out that vibe though.

I get the caps would be easier but I would prefer the flexibility of the adjustable eq
Thinking about bunging a bunch of circuits in a big box and linking them together to get a warped record/Boards of Canada style effect.

My plan is one of these for pitch bending:

A couple of these for high and low cut:

And one of these for bit crushing:

Can anyone see any reasons why this won't work?

Thinking of doing high band eq > low band eq > bit crusher > vibrato
Mine also has the weird clicking issue but only if you nudge the jacks and 9V jack with your foot?! If I disconnect and reconnect the power it goes away until I nudge the jacks again!

I had loads of issues with mine with traces and pads lifting and ended up having to do about 5 bodge repairs so I'm just keeping that one as a studio effect and have ordered two more boards to have another crack at it when I can be bothered
I may be remembering this wrong but I think mine did this when something was shorting out
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel dry kill
February 01, 2017, 03:29:56 PM
Brilliant, thanks!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pork Barrel dry kill
February 01, 2017, 02:54:28 PM
Sorry for being an idiot but how do I connect it to the switch?
General Questions / NKT 212
February 01, 2017, 12:03:10 PM
I've been given some old NKT  212 transistors. What can I build with them?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pork Barrel dry kill
February 01, 2017, 10:19:06 AM
I've now got a working Pork Barrel but before I box it up I was wondering if it is easy enough to add a dry kill switch so I can turn it into a vibrato as well?

Oh ffs I'm an idiot, a row of pins from the clock chip hadn't gone into the socket can't believe I missed that! Working great now!