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Messages - hoyager

Awesome thanks alot man!
Does anyone know if it's possible, considering components can handle it, and wether there is much of an advantage sonically?

Has anyone tried this before?

Requests / Re: Escobedo back catalog
April 16, 2011, 05:14:19 AM
+16 for the mS20 filter
Awesome, thanks man

That tone stack calculator is the s**t
So just before the output?

I've got 3 fatpants boards to build so I might socket the various caps instead, I've modded one already but it was pure experminentation. I found C1 had a big effect on the tone too, is that another possible spot for a tone control?

The breadboard is still a mystery to me but I have some coming with the hope of making a few different LPF's and the tone control

I imagine the volume drop wouldn't be a problem in the fatpants because it is a booster anyway?
Good stuff man, that is quite an improvement

Does anyone know a good place in the circuit to add this sort of thing?

Exactly, this effect happens with the companding and overdrive of the delay chip in the aquapuss, but only when the feedback is on the point of self oscillating, and the new information compresses out the old and prevents it from going to far over the edge.  This Strymon pedal sound cool, specially the stereo-ness, but it is digital..;(. and seems to lack the real overdriven sound.

here's the plan so far (thanks for the suggestions)

- fatpants
- bandaxall 3 band eq
- optical compressor with a 'tape sim saturation' circuit in there somewhere, possibly post limiter...
- SV VCF and or tone control with drive out or level control ) such as CRAIG ANDERTONS SUPER TONE CONTROL or a dual filter something (BBE sonic idea, the bass countour sounds great but the trble is a little brittle and hifi sounding it seems)

possibly a a tri-vibe after the comp-limiter, for extra subtle pitch shifty tapey-ness and if I can cram enough information into my brain, an output transformer...


Thanks for the updates man, as soon as some regulators and bits for the roadrage boards arrive, I'll be implementing similar stuff.

I've tried just stock with a 2k2 at R19 and a 470k at R15 which *seems* to be better. I have a 12v adapter but I think its unregulated so don't want to risk it, the output no load measures 14 or 15v..

Global Annoucements / Re: 3.15 - What's coming up...
March 16, 2011, 02:52:20 PM
Definitely keen on the phaser and the vibrato, is it perhaps similar to the voodoo magna vibe?...  
Requests / Re: Morning Dew EQ (or similar)
March 16, 2011, 11:05:29 AM
I'd be keen on this, sounds really nice. So this is a Baxandall tonecontrol?

LT1054 from smallbear are now $2.95, no shit...

I swear the longer this order is taking to put together the more its costing.

This is dumb, will have to find somewhere else to get them
Thought I'd post the method I've used to attach the dd board to the main board

They're from here male headers in the main board, have to be cut from a double row, and 2-pin female headers go into the dd daughter board

It took the third build for me to suss this out..

Sounds like this whole garb is almost about to be superceded...., very exciting

Ohh, of course, thanks!

layout is the same Brian, just that pin 1 has a different function