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Messages - v00d00blues79

I'm slowly working through my stack of ready to box baby builds. This one was my first without board mounted pots and led. It took me a wee bit longer to box, but went together smoothly. I followed Madbeans baby build doc and used ribbon cable for the wiring.

Things I learned from this build are these guys are really tiny and to pay attention to pot pinouts.  Had to rewire the rate pot due to this last one. That was a pain.

I went with my usual paint pen dressing scheme. Still not much of a graphics guy.

As far as the sound goes I'm really happy with it.  I can get smooth to choppy out of this little guy. It will fit in well on my board.


Build Reports / Re: Total Recall build
April 08, 2016, 01:21:11 PM
Nicely done!

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You're most welcome.  I meant to shoot you a message about it when I found it, but the little bugger was too much fun to play and I forgot.

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Open Discussion / Re: Tone Bender transistors
April 07, 2016, 04:03:37 PM
Sweet!  I'll test them out and let you know how they sound.

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Thanks!  I've become infatuated with all things mini now.  I have a pickdropper Trem waiting to be wired up and a bunch more I just got the last bit of parts in for.  Pretty soon my whole board will be tiny.

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I was asked in a PM what changes I made to mod this build to the keeley specs.  Here are the values that I changed:

R3 - 510k
R6 - 2k4
R13 - 510k

C3 - 51pF
C4 - 100n
C6 - 180n

The part numbers listed are the ones from the Stomptown build doc.  I did notice a disconnect between the schematic part numbers and the BOM in the build doc, so the numbers listed are from the BOM, not the schematic.

I really like the way this mod sounds.  It adds a level of ballsiness to the circuit, while still being clear and articulate, that I've not heard before.


Open Discussion / Re: Tone Bender transistors
April 06, 2016, 05:06:11 AM
Q1: 2SB77 - nothing listed for Hfe or leakage
Q2: not labeled - 84Hfe/105 leakage
Q3: not labeled - 174Hfe/145 leakage

These are the generic Mk 1 set from small bear.



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I need to watch it again, but from what I was able to see it looked pretty good.

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Open Discussion / Tone Bender transistors
April 03, 2016, 04:33:42 AM
So, I have a tone bender mk ii board from stomp town and like a goon I ended up ordering a transistor set from small bear for a mk I.  Will this work? Or am I going to better off ordering the correct set?



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Open Discussion / Wtb: Zero Point Micro 2 pcbs
March 29, 2016, 11:52:51 PM
Just on the wild chance that someone has one or two of these available for sale I'm interested in purchasing them. Let me know!

I'd prefer blank over populated, but am open to options.



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Open Discussion / WTB: Zero Point Micro 2
March 29, 2016, 11:49:57 PM
Just on the wild chance that someone has one or two of these available for sale I'm interested in purchasing them. Let me know!

I'd prefer blank over populated, but am open to options.



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Open Discussion / WTB: Zero Point Micro 2
March 29, 2016, 11:49:18 PM
Just on the wild chance that someone has one or two of these available for sale I'm interested in purchasing them. Let me know!

I'd prefer blank over populated, but am open to options.



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Open Discussion / WTB: Zero Point Micro 2
March 29, 2016, 11:49:06 PM
Just on the wild chance that someone has one or two of these available for sale I'm interested in purchasing them. Let me know!

I'd prefer blank over populated, but am open to options.



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Open Discussion / WTB: Zero Point Micro 2
March 29, 2016, 11:49:00 PM
Just on the wild chance that someone has one or two of these available for sale I'm interested in purchasing them. Let me know!

I'd prefer blank over populated, but am open to options.



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Thanks guys!  Since I build for myself I typically go function over form.  I have a ton of baby boards built up right now.  This was just the first of many wee ones.  I do have to say that the board mounted pots and led made this one a snap to box up.  I'll know I really cut my teeth on 1590A's when I get to the rest that are all off board pots and LEDs.



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