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Messages - rumbletone

Build Reports / Re: Paralyzer!
May 10, 2015, 10:51:54 PM
Nice! Try the envelope filter after the delay too - as the subsequent delays get quieter, they trigger it less so they get darker. I love it so much I'm building a 2in1 with a delay and swah clone, with routing options to swap the order and so the swah affects only the wet signal....
General Questions / Re: Surfy Bear / buffers
May 08, 2015, 02:19:33 AM
Quote from: 29palms on May 07, 2015, 08:09:55 PM
I'm using the 4AB3C1B tank by MOD as recommended by Bjorn who designed the circuit.
Yeah that's the same tank I use and it is fine into the trems I've tried it with. Agree with the above suggestion to try something (buffer, etc.) between it and the cardinal trem to see if that makes a difference.
General Questions / Re: Surfy Bear / buffers
May 07, 2015, 07:38:23 PM
What tank are you using?
Open Discussion / Re: Taking a breather
May 06, 2015, 03:54:06 AM
Quote from: Luke51411 on May 06, 2015, 03:49:10 AM
I've been feeling like I need to take a break lately and refocus my life to have more balance. I've been enjoying playing my guitar more lately and taking more time to get to know a few pedals and the amp I just picked up. I've also been going through a rough time in my life and I focus on pedal building to avoid thinking of unpleasant realities. Sometimes I just want to turn my brain off though I'm not sure building accomplishes that just changes the focus. As it gets nicer out I'm more inclined to do outdoor activities as well.
Yeah - when I have the time and energy, pedal building is a great way to clear my head from work/family stress. That's part of the reason I don't build for others very often - it's more stressful if there's a deadline. When I build for fun there is no deadline, no pressure - it's just me and the electrons, and they never give me grief.
Open Discussion / Re: Taking a breather
May 06, 2015, 03:51:43 AM
I hear ya. For the next 2 months I have 3 rehearsals a week (in the evenings, with 3 different bands at 3 different rehearsal spaces so I have to load in/out 4 times each rehearsal), 2 young kids (enrolled in 6 different weekend sports/arts classes), and a busy job - and then I need to find the energy to fire up the iron and build. Oh and I just counted - I have 25 songs to learn in the next 2 weeks. Shit, I'd better get back to work now .....
Open Discussion / Re: Mic distortion
May 01, 2015, 12:39:17 AM
When I want midrangy, lofi, distorted vocals (or any other instrument) I just reamp through a guitar amp!
2 volumes, tone for neck pup only.
The enclosures look as amazing in person as they do in the photos - so glad to have been able to contribute to these beautiful noisemakers, and I look forward to working with Dan on more of them!
Quote from: jkokura on April 15, 2015, 11:29:38 PM
Quote from: TGP39 on April 15, 2015, 09:50:58 PM
Quote from: jkokura on April 15, 2015, 08:56:41 PM
Friends don't let friends buy from Mammoth.


LOL.  The Pro switches are fine and 35% off is a good deal. I bought 20 during the last sale. They are much better than the blue 3pdt.


Yeah, but they might ship you just 15 switches, and then not respond to your repeated emails telling them you ordered 20 and they sent you 15, and then they'll mail you a 3'x4' box with just 2 switches in it...

Or they 'might' get your order right. Unsure at this point, but it's a possibility. I guess. Maybe. It could happen.

I have a feeling that this will be the first time my order is 100% correct. I mean the odds must be that if I order enough times from them it will happen once, no? :-)
I've used washers (rubber and metal), bread bag closers, etc., and still find that strap locks are the best solution. I've never had one fall off or break, and it is quicker to remove the strap than any other method I've used. It's a small cost compared to the value of my guitars. And now that I have them on all/most of my guitars, I can swap straps easily.
Do you think you could have reached the same result with just more prep/practice? I.e., did the improvement come from performing it over and over, or because you listened to each take and made improvements based on things you heard in the recorded takes that weren't evident when you performed them?

I ask in part because I started recording in the days of analog tape and consoles, and unless you were a major label artist with a huge budget it was not viable to do that many takes - so the approach was usually 'rehearse it as much as possible, then get it in 2-3 takes....'. With DAWs and home recording that has changed, and there's little downside to doing many takes - but I wonder if we as performers are losing the skills to 'perfect' a performance without going through the DAW process and, more importantly, I wonder whether the final product is better or worse?
That's insane!! Love the built in digital voltmeter ...
Just because someone inexplicably named the entire land masses of the western hemisphere after a lesser known Italian explorer doesn't mean we as Canadians have any attachment to the term 'american'. The USAers can have it!
Build Reports / Re: Colorsound Inductorless Wah
April 03, 2015, 09:49:58 PM
Awesome!!!!! Love the LDR/LED implementation - would like to make an expression pedal that size - or maybe a massive 1590B :-)
Quote from: Muadzin on April 02, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
I'm more amazed that restaurants get away with it. Why is there no law enforcing a minimum wage in all sectors of the economy? Or is that considered 'socialist'?
We have minimum wage here and it's reasonably well enforced. But minimum wage here is $9/hr for food servers and the average house price is now over $1million -  you do the math - I don't mind giving a 20-30% tip IF the service is very good...