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Messages - 323effects

Thanks everyone!
Kunfuz - those are just 1n914's. any ole silicon diode works there
Quote from: chuckbuick on October 30, 2014, 10:38:33 PM
Cool layout.  I dig the symmetry.  Well done.
Yeah the symmetry is my favorite part! Makes it look so much cleaner to me

Quote from: selfdestroyer on October 30, 2014, 10:52:20 PM
Really nice clean layout. Those knobs look classy on there also.

Thanks Cody, only problem with those knobs on that finish is seeing where they are set at standing distance... especially with the super blindingly bright white LED i stuck in there  :o

Now, what to do with the graphics???
Hey guys, here's a Ram's Head version of the BMP done on my own PCB (very proud of my layout btw). This one includes 3-way mids and clipping switches. 
Also, want to say a huge thank you to all of you who put so much time into freely sharing info and tutorials!
Just built up a DBD clone with an FX loop stuck in the feedback path.  I used the split-n-blend from the tagboard site so i can blend in as much of the pedal in the loop as i want.
I just stuck the split-n-blend circuit between lug 3 of the feedback pot and the following 22n cap.

The problem is that it wont oscilate like the DBDs normally do with the feedback pot maxed.  The feedback pot works as it should, but its like the max repeats are clamped and it wont oscilate. Could the blend circuit be clamping the repeats?? Not sure what's going on here... 
Any help you guys could offer would be great!
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on March 24, 2014, 06:57:20 PM
Looks pretty cool. What kind of finish is that? That sparkle is killer.

Thanks! its the Sparkle White from Pedal Parts Plus. Looks a lot more sparkly in real life... crappy phone pics
Hey guys, I've been lurking round here for quite a while, but never posted anything. Thanks for the great resources and info!
I figured I would drop this here since (I think) I picked up the vero layout from somewhere on the forum. It's Culturejam's Box of Hall with the added Dwell mod.  I stuck the damp control on a trimmer since I have read it was a very subtle control... Best to set and forget!

Anyway, this is a great sounding little circuit. I used the long brick and can get anything from a fairly subtle verb to almost self-oscilating washy goodness.
Thanks again guys... Enjoy!