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Messages - m-Kresol

Build Reports / Re: Build Report: Florist
July 06, 2021, 06:51:42 PM
Quote from: culturejam on July 05, 2021, 02:00:08 AM
Damn, that is slick looking! On first look, I thought it was a Chase Bliss.

my exact thoughts.
Really nice build. clean as a whistle

My only recommendation is to add to add a little electric tape next to the jacks. those look awefully close to shorting to the enclosure
General Questions / Re: Headtrip 2 question
May 30, 2021, 01:00:03 PM
it's an oscillator. basically it is the ICs clock that give the correct timing.
Open Discussion / Re: Marshall key holder
May 29, 2021, 11:19:46 AM
I have actually build two of those a few years back. Mine is a fender twin reverb (at least it says so) and my brother got an Orange amp.
damn, that's immensly clean inside and out. this is juan/cleggy level...  8)
Build Reports / Re: Coda Effects Black Hole
May 06, 2021, 04:06:18 PM
Quote from: jazzster on May 05, 2021, 04:56:26 AM
Hello. I am currently working on a Black Hole build and I am having an issue.

The main part of the pedal works perfectly but the issue I'm having is that the boost section is not working. I have it wired to a 3PDT footswitch as well as an LED. I also turned the 100k boost trimpot into an external pot with a knob. When I hit the footswitch for boost, the LED turns on but all sound cuts out. The other weird thing is that as I turn up the 100k pot the LED will dim.

If you have any ideas on what may be wrong I would really appreciate it. Cheers.

Hi Jazzter,

sounds like a wiring issue with your 3pdt. from your description it sounds like you may have grounded your out- or input. the fact that the led is interactive with the pot suggests that you're loosing supply voltage somehow

I'd suggest you open a tech-help thread with clear pictures of your build and a few details. If you follow the guidelines in the tech-help section you'll likely find the culprit already. If not, we'll try to help for sure.
Build Reports / Re: ChaosAgent and Fireaxe builds
April 28, 2021, 06:32:30 PM
great builds

No chance I can burn through the regular powder coatings with my elekslaser (5W I think). not even in 1h....

how much power does your laser provide? and is also blue?
afaik they are all the same in terms of quality..
make sure you get stripboard (also called veroboard) and not perfboard, which is the one with individual solder pins instead of strips.
I had to desolder a pot off my PS4 controller the other day (the stick module had 14 pins, so only exchanging the pot was the easier way). I had to really heat the GND pad for quite a while to be able to get the pin out and remove the solder. I'm talking 20 seconds or so
this is obviously different, because it has a GND plane that will take the heat and distribute and not the component directly. Works like a charm again now.
TLDR: some pads, especially connected to the GND planes will take more/longer heat. In general though, try to be fast which will come with time. Personally, I never had a failed component so far.
Build Reports / Re: Up Down Daddy - Delykpcb
April 27, 2021, 08:35:10 AM
nice one! surely not an easy pedal to build!
Build Reports / Re: Tag team builds
April 15, 2021, 08:35:07 PM
collabs are always fun. I'm still amazed by dminner's enclosure he did for our reverb project. Good times before he did the electronics himself ;)

very nice job of both of you!
Build Reports / Re: v3207 Modded Ultraflanger
April 12, 2021, 05:39:04 PM
Quote from: Coldjoiner on April 12, 2021, 07:01:53 AM
I have built it, the flanger is audible, but it doesn't oscillate automatically, there is no "swoooooossshhh" sound .. to get the "swoooooossshhh" sound like your flanger.  I had to rotate the RATE pot to the right and the left repeatedly.  where is the problem?  i don't know because i am a beginner.  sorry for that and also for my english.  Thank you.  greetings from Indonesia :-[  ;)

sounds like your oscillator is not oscillating? please follow the guidelines in the tech-help section so we can help you properly. Measure voltages of all ICs and post some pictures please. Did you test it outside the enclosure?

choosing a "nano"-project for a start might not be the best way to go. I would encourage you to try something easier and bigger to begin with, if you cannot get this one going.
Build Reports / Re: How about a 1590LB build
April 11, 2021, 05:52:12 PM
nice work. good to see someone is building these!
And yes, low profile electros would have made things easier. I do remember that there is a circuit to increase voltage on the board, so there are actually some capacitors with higher voltage...
Build Reports / Re: Phase 90
March 24, 2021, 08:35:33 PM
wow. at first I thought this was an etched enclosure. Kind of glad it isn't because that would have been too good to be true. anyways, superb build and incredibly clean
Quote from: gordo on March 08, 2021, 03:18:37 PM
Looks like the J1 and IN wires need to be flip flopped.

I agree with Greg, the wiring looks good to me.

Check that your DC input is not shorting on the pot below. I'd recommend using pot covers or electrical tape.
Build Reports / Re: Dumble ODS preamp with submini tubes
February 28, 2021, 04:56:01 PM
perfect. just perfect