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Messages - mcallisterra

Open Discussion / Re: Best one-knobbers?
December 18, 2014, 02:07:34 AM
Quote from: GrindCustoms on December 18, 2014, 02:05:33 AM
Good Ol' Phase90!

Yea that's what the NomNom is. Just waiting on the PCBs to be back in stock!
Open Discussion / Best one-knobbers?
December 18, 2014, 02:04:40 AM
So I kind of like the idea of one-knob pedals. I know about one-knob fuzzes and boosters, but I was thinking of trying something a little different that might work unexpectedly well with just one knob. Anyone have any suggestions of some one knob designs, or circuits that work well having some of the controls fixed with a trimpot inside leaving just one on the outside?

I'm about to build a NomNom when Brian gets them back in stock, so I'm covered on the phaser front probably.
General Questions / Re: Wonky drilling or too picky?
December 16, 2014, 01:49:44 PM
Well for the sake of completeness, here's how it ended up:

After I got the email saying 'we could send you another, but it will be just like the one you have', I replied saying I was done with all the back and forth arguing and that I was no longer interested in a replacement from them. The next email I got was a tracking email for a package from them. Connie then emailed me saying a new one was on its way and that I should just keep the old one.

The new one is much better. The foot switch hole is ever so slightly offset to the right in this one, but to be honest, if I wasn't intentionally checking after the last one, I probably wouldn't ever have noticed. It's good to know that they don't in fact have a massive stack of pre-drilled enclosures that look just like that first one!

So all in all I ended up with a serviceable one, and PPP did the right thing, but it felt like a chore to get there.

Thanks for all the insight and advice everyone :)
Thanks! Very informative. I might just have to give it a go to hear for myself :)
So does the ZPM lack that kind of warmth to the repeats that the Carbon Copy gets?
I was looking at doing the Zero Point Micro build at some point, and was just curious as to whether there is much of a difference in sound to the MXR Carbon Copy, which is currently the only delay I own (and love).

I think I saw somewhere that the Carbon Copy doesn't feature the PT2399, so I'm guessing it might sound a little different?

This post kind of made me realize that yea!
Quote from: bcalla on December 11, 2014, 09:58:20 PM
I have lots of 3.9M resistors - 1% metal film.  PM me your address and how many you need & I'll get some in the mail tomorrow.

Awesome! Thanks so much!  :)
Quote from: m-Kresol on December 11, 2014, 09:45:50 PM
Darn. maybe someone more local can help out. it doesn't make sense to ship one resistor from Europe :P

I guess a resistance value that high is most likely for a pull down resistor, right? I think (let someone confirm this) that you could substitute it for a 2M or similar, if you have it...

I haven't really built many pedals, so I don't have a backlog of parts. I just order what I need for each build. This is for a Nom Nom.
I'm in Florida. It was from Mammoth :-\
I don't have a multimeter no. That's why I was asking on here.

The first ring is brown so yes it's 10M. Which is annoying as it's supposed to be 3.9M!

Thanks for the quick help though!
I usually check resistor values with this one site where you just punch in the colors and it tells you the value, because I'm not good at remembering all the codes. Anyway this one resistor isn't coming up with what I expected, so I think I got sent the wrong one. I was wondering if you guys could tell me what it is? Thanks!

General Questions / Re: Wonky drilling or too picky?
December 09, 2014, 09:34:26 PM
Quote from: pickdropper on December 09, 2014, 08:55:00 PM
I'm halfway tempted to send a link to Connie to this thread so she can see what the general opinions (good and bad) are of their service.  Sometimes, businesses only get feedback like this in the form of a frustrated customer, so it can be difficult to really get a feel for the overall perception of their service.  Perhaps it would help if they understood that they could possibly be even more successful if they tightened a few things up a little bit.

I actually already did that a few emails back, to hopefully show that my views weren't wildly out of line with the rest of the community. She didn't acknowledge it in any of her replies.
General Questions / Re: Wonky drilling or too picky?
December 09, 2014, 07:42:29 PM
Well I tried to ask Connie to look at the photo again, and over the course of the next two emails, the second of which was me asking for a replacement, these were some of the things that were said:

"My point was, even from the picture you sent; I couldn't see the problem."

and in the second email, after I asked for a replacement:

"I'm sorry, but I'm really confused.  You do understand that the replacement will be just like the one you already have?  I'm not following the logic of sending another one that is just like the one you have and don't like."

So if you're planning on ordering a pre-drilled enclosure from PPP, beware, they all look identical to mine!

Done. Sending it back.
General Questions / Re: Wonky drilling or too picky?
December 09, 2014, 02:35:52 AM
Quote from: jkokura on December 09, 2014, 02:24:01 AM
Quite frankly, I'm not seeing much wrong with the email response they gave you. It was courteous, and they offered you a solution. What else were you expecting? You can get a refund, so I don't understand your 'I'm never dealing with them again' stance. It's fine if that's what you want to do, but I don't see the rationale.

But you're upset over having a bad enclosure, so that must be taken into perspective. I hope that you'll feel better about the situation soon.


I was initially looking for a replacement, but the response I received made it pretty clear that wasn't on the table.

I'm never dealing with them again because that email is nothing more than a fob-off of a blatant mistake. You can tell me you're not sending me a replacement and are only going to offer a refund, and that's fine, but don't do it under the guise of the holes being *intentionally* drilled like that to allow for "aligning parts".

I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.