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Messages - sturgeo

Open Discussion / Re: My New Vice? (whisky)
July 21, 2014, 12:51:34 PM
I'm normally more of a fan of the Speyside single malts to the other regions. I've never understood the hype of blends, bourbons and tennessee whiskeys (anyone know why the spelling difference?) although i suppose something is needed for mixers!

My brother got me a bottle of Old Pulteney for christmas and its up there with my favourites, very smooth.

A friends dad gave us something cask strength, i can't remember exactly what it was but once i've finished some of the other bottles i may treat myself.

I've got a 18 YO Glenfiddich i bought a few years back sat unopened, i need something to happen to justify opening it!
RS Components is i guess, our version of radioshack, i don't believe they're linked though. They are like Mouser or any other large electronic component distributor.

Edit: Yup not linked, trade as Allied Electronics in North America.
I'm confused (I'll admit, sometimes it doesn't take much) but those look like the codes i got from RS Components today  :-\
You've just saved me a heap of money as i was about to buy the LCR & DCA!  :)
You need to use the invoke tool, select the IC you want and it'll add pins 4 and 8 separately.
Open Discussion / Re: Doctor Tweek parts
July 04, 2014, 02:55:07 PM
I can vouch for Steve too, never had an issue and good communication  :)
Quote from: marauder on July 03, 2014, 09:48:47 PM
If the FET tester is based on the Geofex matcher, then it doesn't measure VGS, but the voltage at which something or other is 10k, or something like that, can't remember exactly what it measures.  It's useful for matching, but its not VGS, its always lower.  Those are the figures I get with some of my genuine J201s.

I now use the ROG Fetzer valve FET testing circuit, which has no active components, it just measures VGS, and with a flick of a switch IDSS.  Some Tayda J201s I had measured fine for VGS, but the IDSS wasn't in the expected range.

Ahh, thank you, it is based on the Geofex matcher, it does refer to the measured voltage as Vgs but as you say, probably at different parameters to the datasheet. Heres the info for those interested:

I've not yet built any JFET pedals, just bought some to measure and see how they vary, as mentioned they can hopefully be biased, some are relatively close and if bought in larger batches I'm sure you'll get a better selection and hopefully no DOA ones.

As i'm in the UK unfortunately Small Bear isn't really an option, SMD adapter boards are next on my OSH Park order!
No they are - as you would expect but not in the given range of true J201s
Sorry they are Vgs, so basically, yup avoid J201s from Tayda!
Ok, out of the 10 J201s, 1 was completely dead, these are the voltages using Rullywow's JFET Matcher board.

I popped 10 J201s on my last tayda order to see what they're like, i'll put them on my JFET matcher when i get home and post the results. Need to build a pedal to put them in!
Build Reports / Re: Hail Hydra
July 03, 2014, 12:18:43 PM
Nice, i like those little 3PDT boards  :)

It looks like a polished enclosure to me, then clear adhesive label and then envirotex?
Open Discussion / Re: Dirtbag - General Question
July 02, 2014, 08:31:31 PM
There is a good summary of the differences between BBDs on page 6 of this doc.
Open Discussion / Re: Anyone seen the mover "Her?"
July 02, 2014, 08:24:42 AM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on July 02, 2014, 08:11:15 AM
I know a lot of people saw Under the Skin just because of all the nude scenes of Johansson but... it really is a great movie. Its a very subtle movie with no much dialog and a interesting premise. Definitely recommend it.


How did this one sneak under my radar!! I wonder if its on Netflix :-\
Open Discussion / Re: Dirtbag - General Question
June 29, 2014, 03:42:42 PM
4 chips for me for the same reasons listed above. I've been put off the 3005 designed boards due to price and availablility of the chips. If you design the board with more affordable and available chips then I imagine in turn you'll end up selling more boards.