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Messages - Aentons

General Questions / Re: Label Question
May 18, 2018, 05:38:41 PM
There is a cheap one called "DYMO Caption Maker" that is pink that comes with 3 removable wheels, uppercase, lowercase, and symbols. I could not find another that had removeable wheels or lowercase.
General Questions / Re: Label Question
May 17, 2018, 08:58:26 PM
That's what I've been using with mine. They are called Embossing labels. A word of caution, only the current production Dymo lables are strong enough to stay stuck on, and you only have a choice of 4 colors, red, blue, green, and black.

I tried some other brands like Motex like the clear ones in the pic of the Choral Reef and they are very weak and will not stay stuck
Great... now that I know about it... I have to have it
I think new guitar sales have mainly declined because of the used market. There has been 60 + years of full blown new guitar production which has exponentially increased as time has gone on. They didn't all just disappear. Way back when, it was only garage sales and pawn shops for used stuff, not so anymore. It's hard to walk into Guitar Center and buy new junk from them at full price plus tax when there is so much high quality used stuff to choose from. The only reason I go in is to look at the used gear.
Also, I have a buddy that plays classic rock and 90's alt type stuff and he swears by his H&K GrandMeister Deluxe 40. He nearly sold me on it but I haven't actually heard one.
It's hard to beat an AC30...

I have an AC30CCH with matching 2x12 cab that has Celestion Blues. I bought it new in 2008 and the speakers at first sounded like you described, harsh and brittle. After a couple of months, I put a blanket over the cab and opened it up all the way a few times here and there. I wasn't paying close enough attention to notice exactly how long it took, but it was less than a year of playing once or twice a day, for 30 mins to an hour, and they broke out and sound "the best" ever since.

The amp I have is essentially a AC30CC2X and has lots of little switches and options that others don't. I have found that blending the Normal and Top Boost channel is really what does it for me which I think you can do on some others by jumpering the inputs.

I also use JJ EL844 low power tubes that provide 25% less power which effectively takes it down from 33 to 24 watts and gives it a little extra sparkle.

Pedals in front are perfect, for me.

VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
May 03, 2018, 02:01:05 AM
Strange, took it out of the case and it works fine. Works fine back in the case now too. Oh well
VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
May 02, 2018, 11:15:11 PM
I must have pulled something a little too hard trying to get pics. When I put it back together and hooked it up, all I get is static and crackles when it's turned on. I'll have to open it back up and see what's going on. Maybe it will help me understand it a little better to troubleshoot it.
So when I get around to building the Blueprint, I want to try and figure out how add few options that I mentioned in previous posts like tap tempo and trails. I'm in the collecting ideas and research phase right now but... two other options I've thought of are, an effects loop using a stereo jack, and a variable high pass filter on repeats. Any pointers or knowledgeable insights are most welcome.

I have a EH Deluxe Memory Boy that I like sometimes and it has a semi-secret knob mode that does a HPF which is where I got the idea. It really takes the muddyness out and let's you play over the delay in a unique way which is something I haven't experienced in any other delay.

I'm only beginning to learn how to modify circuits and I learn best by example. I understand most components and mostly how they work llike opamps and filters and whatnot. So I'm at the point where I can understand the gist of what's going on in most effects circuits but this is my first time really looking at a delay in any detail and the vfe switch board confuses the hell out me.

I purchased the VFE schematics and board files from the website and I've been looking through them. It is fantastic of Peter to put it out there. In this instance, I'm not sure if they will provide anything beyond Brian's refined build doc schematic.

I know the PT2399 has a couple of low pass filters built in and I see a couple of others(r16+c4 and r31 and c11). Could the HPF thing be as easy as swapping cap and resistor positions and replacing resistor with a trimmer?

VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
April 30, 2018, 07:57:57 PM
Color coded pic4
VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
April 30, 2018, 07:57:14 PM
Color coded pic3
VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
April 30, 2018, 07:56:08 PM
Color coded pic2
VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
April 30, 2018, 07:55:42 PM
Color coded pic1
VFE Projects / Re: VFE Mega Pedal
April 29, 2018, 09:43:59 PM
Wow! That is awesome... quite an effort. You got a name for it yet?
VFE Projects / Re: Blueprint tap tempo
April 29, 2018, 09:37:43 PM
Yes it is. I saw this one offered up for sale right after I asked about it and I've been on the fence about getting an official one so I figured why not. I've only ever seen one other with a tap jack about a year ago or so and it had the older graphic with the picture of the chip on it. There are probably not a whole lot of these floating around and I was super curious after reviewing the build doc.

I don't see this specific board offered on the site but there is a similar one that is switch mounted. It has a note about not using it with a modulated delay.

Anyways, I figured someone may be interested in seeing this so let me know if you want an other pics or details if the pics are too blurry.