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Messages - neiloler

Build Reports / Re: Dual Reverb
April 19, 2012, 04:29:09 PM
Really? Thats kind of funny, especially considering the package size.

Really cool PCB design, do you happen to sell those?
Nice idea. I think I'll build up a little pcb or P2P board for this. Cool. Thanks for the help!
If I wanted to test NPN transistors, I'm assuming I could just put the resistors on the V+ side of things instead of the ground?

I'm not sure if they'll give any sort of bulk discount, not sure. They don't really seem to use these parts, but they also don't really give discounts. I figure for 10 of these guys I'm okay with dropping $35 on it, I could sell them later for more (ebay seems to have them going for about $15 a piece)
It's through my school's shop for the electrical engineering school, so I can definitely test them out.

What's the best way to test them out, and what am I looking for? Leakage is referring to how much current is passed even when there's no base current, correct?
So I've got access to a bunch of 2N1309, RCA made (some might be from TI) for about $3.50 a pop. Worth using in fuzz faces and such?
I think any builder knows how this goes, on both sides of the equation (waiting extra time and having to take extra time before shipping). It happens. :)
It was on the output, but I didn't think about that! I'll definitely be careful. Just when I think I'm safe from stupid mistakes. Sheesh. :)
Iiiiiiiiiiiii'm an idiot. Haha. Solder bridge on the voltage side of R6 and R7, bypassing the coupling cap and letting the DC onto the output. I got it.
Hey guys,

Just got done with my Darkside build, used BAT41 diodes and the "stock" transistors per the project guidelines. I'm loving the sound, especially with my new Agile Les Paul copy, it's really thick but still sounds great and not nearly as gainy (and thus grainy) as the Muff I've been using for years. I dig it.

My problem is this:

I get a huge pop when I switch the pedal on and off. Anyone else run into this? Anything else I could take a look at to see if I missed something that I could switch up to eliminate the pop?


I'm finding that I get 4.5v DC on the output when the LED is off (the FX is bypassed [buffer only]). This doesn't seem right! I've checked out all resistors and caps for value and polarity. Nothing out of place. Any glaringly obvious points I could have botched? The switch wiring is fine too.
Quote from: madbean on March 21, 2012, 09:19:54 PM
The Baby Board docs are all up.

* squeals like a little girl*
Ordered one of each (except for the Cave Dweller, I've etched two of those boards myself)!

I'm way excited!
Thanks for linking the picture! Blasted iPhone. ;)

I've been playing with this pedal a bit more, and I like it. It's simple, but it's so small! I'm wondering if I can't fit this into the control cavity of a guitar... :)
After more solder bridges than I care to admit and having to bridge a strange nick in the ground plane from a dremel, but here it is. Sounds decent, I need to flip the pots though. Haha.
Global Annoucements / Re: How is babby formed?
February 20, 2012, 05:34:10 AM
I'd love some of these little baby builds and one of these guys controlling it all: