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Messages - Muadzin

Open Discussion / Re: D9E Diodes
February 16, 2020, 06:36:28 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on February 14, 2020, 03:55:28 AM

The klon diodes are just 1N34A. There's no speculation, Bill F told everyone on The Gear Page.

Please stop using up cheap Russian diodes with a .27 forward voltage telling people they're magic in some stupid overdrive pedal, they're more useful in designs that need the lower forward voltage.

p.s. I know something about this first hand. I once told people on this forum I liked how a diode sounded in a klone and the next thing I knew they were bought out from ebay and cost like $5 each, and those weren't even remotely close to a 1N34A (they were much higher fv).

I pretty much use D9E's for everything that requires a germanium diode because they are pretty much the cheapest germanium diode I can get. Can't remember when was the last time I saw an affordable 1N34A.
Open Discussion / Re: D9E Diodes
February 13, 2020, 02:17:23 PM
Quote from: jimilee on February 13, 2020, 01:05:08 PM
Are these the magic unicorn tears?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think it BYOC who measured the magic unicorn tears and declared that the D9E was as close as you could get.
Quote from: somnif on February 10, 2020, 08:55:30 AM
(I deleted my Facebook account a while back so I can't log in any more I'm afraid.  :-\ )

You're not missing much to be honest. It's a silly place. That spies on you.
Quote from: gordo on February 07, 2020, 02:19:18 AM
By the late 80's my hair had started to wave.

Wave goodbye...

I wish I still had my first amp.  Traynor Guitarmate reverb.  It got sold to buy a Yamaha G100 412 combo.  My back hurts thinking about it.  That gave way to a Hiwatt 100 custom (factory cascading gains) that I'd KILL to have back.  Even the cabinet was cool...a Traynor Cerwin-Vega 212 ported.

I still have my first amp. A Fender silverface Twin Reverb with orange JBL speakers. It sounds awesome and I plan to be buried in it, even though I haven't used it in like 10 years. It's funny how the sheer randomness of what your first gear will be can shape your musical tastes for the rest of your life. I had a clean amp, so I had to use pedals for dirt. So I used pedals for dirt for most of my musical life. It's only recently thanks to my Axe-FX that I've begun to explore hi-gain amps.
Quote from: somnif on February 10, 2020, 06:26:28 AM
So that link just takes me to a generic "Musical instruments near you" facebook page.

What was the specific pedal you were linking to?

Were you logged into facebook? Otherwise you it does take you to the generic page.

And the pedal in question is a seemingly official looking Klon Centaur, with Bill Finnegan's autograph on the inside. But was being sold for $100 as a clone. And since the pcb is not covered in goop it had to be one.
In hindsight I should have taken better care of my father's old electric guitar. I think it was a 60's or 70's Hofner. I can't for the life of me remember what happened to it. I know that we tried to have it repaired but I just never bonded with it as a real guitar player. I was all about new stuff, new guitars. It being the 80's after all. Nobody gave a crap about old vintage things back then. If I still had it would probably still be a crap guitar in my eyes, but at least it would be a vintage crap guitar, and worth something. And it would also serve as a memorial to my late father.
Quote from: madbean on February 06, 2020, 02:39:59 AM
I think I didn't know a single chord. I already had my "rock grimace" down.

I was good at that too. I played with my father's old guitar for years before ever learning to play the guitar. Which was kinda hard too because that thing had no strings if memory served me right.

Quote from: rockola on February 06, 2020, 05:41:05 AM
And rockstar hair!

I think you're confusing rockstar hair with 80's hair.  :P
Quote from: diablochris6 on February 04, 2020, 11:30:33 PM
It's a double envelope filter with one filter always swinging up and the other swinging down both in autowah or LFO mode. The filter is a modified take on the Lovetone Meatball.

:o :o :o

Dear God, and I thought the Meatball was a knob and switch infested nightmare. How can anyone dial anything useful with that much options?
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
February 03, 2020, 09:37:11 AM
Quote from: alanp on February 03, 2020, 05:25:07 AM
Incoming rant:

I hate how new games keep cutscening it up all the time. Tomb Raider 2013 was bad for this. (I'm using new for anything in the last decade... I must be getting old.) I started playing Middle Earth: Shadows of War and they should have included a warning that, before getting to play, you had to watch Monolith Production's attempt at a Lord of the Rings film, runtime and all.

Mmmm, ingame cutscenes. I remember the first game that had ingame cutscenes, Wingcommander III. What a sight it was to view Luke Skywalker and have him scour aboard the TCS Victory looking for conversations/cutscenes. And you basically won Wingcommander IV based on the choices you made in the final cutscene. What a revolution that was. And with real actors. In incredibly low resolution of course, but hey, it was the 90's. I do hate it that the first time you play a game you have to watch a lengthy intro film though that you can't escape by pressing a button. I imagine that that gets annoying real fast.
Open Discussion / Re: The Sounds of the Mudbunny
January 28, 2020, 09:20:42 AM
IMHO opinion descriptions are fairly useless, because what sounds good to one sounds crap to another. They're also quite subjective. I've had guitarists say a pedal sounded spongy and I was like WTF does that mean and double WTF does that even sound like?

Might as well post youtube vids of Muff demos. A vid says more then a thousands words ever could. So here's a view Skreddy Muff vids:

Cognitive Dissonance III:


Top Fuel:


Mayonaise III:

Mayonaise II, Mayo and Cognitive Dissonance II:

Personally I like the P19 best for leads while I liked the Mayonaise III more for rhythm. And all my Muff builds were with the Skreddy mids switch mod, which I think should be mandatory on any Muff build. Especially since its such an easy mod that makes such a MASSIVE difference in a band mix.

Open Discussion / Re: The Sounds of the Mudbunny
January 27, 2020, 02:06:11 PM
Quote from: TheDude on January 26, 2020, 06:42:28 PM
Welp, there goes every spendable dollar I'm going to make in 2020...

Sent from my LM-X410PM using Tapatalk

I had that same problem upon discovering KitRae's website. ;D
Open Discussion / Re: Top Albums of the Decade
January 18, 2020, 09:19:29 PM
There hasn't been an album of the decade since the 90's, when Nirvana's Nevermind and Metallica's Black Album were game changers. You had to go to a deserted island to not hear Teen Spirit or Enter Sandman. Those albums had cross genre appeals and they sold to everybody. It made Nirvana from a small club act into a major stadium act and Metallica fashionable amongs non-Metal heads. There hasn't been any album since that which has managed to equal what those albums did. To say those and those albums that nobody has heard about outside their respective scenes are albums of the decade is like saying that the battle for Aachen in 1944 was like a battle of Stalingrad in the West. No it wasn't. And no album released since 1992 has ever managed to come even close to Nevermind or the Black Album. OK Computer by Radiohead came kinda close, but it was still arty niché and the band still hasn't made, or sought for that matter, the leap to the big audience. And its not like Nevermind and the Black Album are that special, because the previous decades had tons of them. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Electric Ladyland, Dark Side of the Moon, Thriller, Purple Rain, the Joshua Tree, to name a few. There was no escaping those albums when they were released. Whereas almost all of the albums named so far fall into the never heard of them category for me. And reckon most people.

Let's face it, like rock, the concept of the album is dead. In a way we've moved back to the 50's, where artists didn't release albums, they released singles. All the major pop, EDM and rap artists release songs. It's all about dropping a new track every so often. The public has no patience anymore to wait and listen for a whole album.
Open Discussion / Re: Isolated Power Supplies
January 16, 2020, 08:29:09 AM
Well, this one does look a lot less basic then that PSU pic you posted in the other thread.
Open Discussion / Re: Bootstrap Pickups
January 15, 2020, 08:42:55 AM
If they are cheap there's your chance to buy them and try them out. If not good, little money lost. They'll probably sound okay, but for me personally most pickups are like overdrive pedals. They all sound the same to me.
Quote from: zombie_rock123 on January 04, 2020, 07:42:33 PM

Edit - forgot where the UK was, ignore me  ;D

Well, officially you're still part of Europe until the end of the month.  ;) ;D

And just in case, Netherlands!