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Messages - Aentons

Open Discussion / Re: Duplicate listings from Japan
September 05, 2018, 07:10:59 PM
Quote from: lars on September 05, 2018, 02:11:44 PM

...and it is completely illegal what they are doing. It falls under the category of "Item location misrepresentation". Each listing describes the same guitar as being in a different place. This, of course, is impossible. By law, you have to disclose the true location of an item you're selling. For example, I can't say I have an item for sale in Florida, when it's actually in California. Total scam on so many levels.

I agree that eBay should do something about this behavior, but what you are talking about is a violation of eBay's Terms of Service which is entirely different from "illegal".

ToS violation remediation actions are completely at the discretion of eBay.
Open Discussion / Re: Les Paul 2019 Vid
September 05, 2018, 05:31:54 PM
Interesting... It looks like the SG doesn't get all the goodies that the LP gets. I'm guessing because the cavity is shallower.

I'm not familiar with transient spikes or controlling them. Could anyone who cares to do so please enlighten us ignorants? Seems like something you could do in the daw
Open Discussion / Re: Les Paul 2019 Vid
September 05, 2018, 02:53:08 PM
I have a similar 50's wiring with 4 push/pulls in my 2005 SG Standard that does split,split,phase,series. I had to buy the aftermarket 4 wire 490r/498t pickups to replace the 2 wire versions. Why didn't they do this year's ago so that I didn't have to go through all the trouble?  :)

Like he said, it is the best of both worlds since, at rest, it is essentually set at traditional stock config. But if you want the options they are there. I don't think it's really about having the best most authentic single coil sound... it's about having the option and making the most of what you've got. I don't really see a good reason not to have those options available... I mean, what's it gonna hurt?

Quote from: Muadzin on September 05, 2018, 11:10:26 AM
they seem to fail to understand their core demographic. Guitar players. You'll find more progressives in Taliban controlled Afghanistan or Wahabist Saudi Arabia then among guitarists. I reckon there are societies that still reject fire that still have more progressives then among guitarists.

I hear this a lot and I disagree. I think there are a lot of outspoken traditionalists types that lump over on one side of the spectrum, but at the same time there are a lot of vocal modernist types (think: fanned frets and +6 strings) that lump up on the other side. It seems like the bulk of folks, who are somewhere in the middle, tend  to not make a fuss one way or the other. Companies have to sell to everyone... I think this is why Gibson did the Modern/Traditional lines a few years back. Now, after the bankruptcy... Time to rethink it and try something new.

For the weight relief thing, I never understood why they went this route, instead of drilling holes in it, why not just make it a little thinner like an SG. It wouldn't have to be as thin but somewhere in the middle would probably do.
Build Reports / Re: Time to make the donuts!
September 04, 2018, 09:14:41 PM
Quote from: MJ_Sound_Cubed on September 04, 2018, 08:45:30 PM
3D layout, wait 4D  because probably they smell as well :)

:o I hate to be the harsher of buzzes here but...

Smell is not a dimension, it is a sense. Humans have five of them.

And also BTW... Time is the 4th dimension.

Edit: I knew I was going to get into trouble just saying 5 without some sort of modifier. I should have said 5 Basic senses... Serves me right
Build Reports / Re: Helium OD - EQD Palisades
September 04, 2018, 06:51:52 PM
Yep, that's it. It's usually the opposite that gets me tho...  Going from GainB engaged to MasterBypass clean tone, I have to remember to click the GainB button again sometime before I want GainA turned on, otherwise it's right back to GainB.

I will say, it does help in this regard that the switches are so close together so I can step on two at once if needed
Build Reports / Re: Helium OD - EQD Palisades
September 04, 2018, 04:43:16 AM
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was referring to how you can't activate the OD "Gain B" with just the "Gain" footswitch and you have to use the "Engage/Gain A" switch as a master bypass.

Just saying I wish it flip-flopped instead... For instance, Step on the middle switch to activate "Gain B" and it deactivates the right "Gain A" footswitch. Step on "Gain B" switch again and the OD is bypassed.
Build Reports / Re: Helium OD - EQD Palisades
September 04, 2018, 01:26:17 AM
I never understood why they made the stock Palisades without an independent boost. I have one of the first run 18v models and I'm always on the fence about selling it because I really like it, except for the boost thing. The other thing that really bugs me is that I wish the second gain was independently switchable as well. How does your handle the second gain switching?
The only way I could ever get a rat to have the bass I wanted was to blend in some clean signal and use a hpf and lpf.

All the ones I have tried worked well this way... Rat2, Whiteface Reissue, Duecetone(all settings), VFE Alpha Dog. I have a two loop mixer/blender and a variable lpf and hpf that I used to experiment with.
Open Discussion / Re: Anybody need a strat?
August 29, 2018, 01:05:05 AM
And it comes with a matching pick!
VFE Projects / Triumvirate bass mods with guitar
August 28, 2018, 01:58:38 AM
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the Triumvirate bass mods with guitar? I'd like to be able to use it for both if it sounds just as good. That's alota trimpots...
Open Discussion / Re: Quaverto Harmonic Trem
August 27, 2018, 01:06:01 PM
I like the bare metal look on this one. The face plate really compliments it.
Open Discussion / Re: 2x10 stereo guitar amps
August 23, 2018, 03:50:00 AM
Thanks for all the input

Quote from: jubal81 on August 22, 2018, 03:14:10 PM
If buying the magnatone is an option, then I'd say you're done. That thing is amazing.
I wish... it's a bit expensive, so maybe for half price.

Quote from: nzCdog on August 22, 2018, 07:29:00 PM
I'd loath to drag the 2nd amp along to a gig mind you, the AC15 weights about twice as much as my 18W.  Maybe a stereo 2x10 isn't such a bad idea! ;D

That's what I'm thinking... I have an AC30CC head and 2x12 Blues cab and I love it but it's a gigantic pain to move, I even put casters on the cab. My second amp used to be the JC-77 but now I'm just running into a Sansamp Para Driver into a keyboard/PA amp combo. It was nice to be able to quickly grab the JC to go jam with friends or whatever. Now I don't have that option so I find myself either, not going, borrowing an amp, or just taking a pignose. It would be nice to have a portable all in one sort deal that I am mostly happy with.

Quote from: ahiddentableau on August 22, 2018, 09:01:38 PM
I'm just struck by the huge differences between the amps you're considering.  There's a massive difference between a JC series and an AC30.  If you liked your JC77 so much (and who wouldn't?  sweet amp!), why not go that way again?  The price is certainly right.  Lots of pedal obsessives like us love good solid state amps, and that series in particular takes pedals like a dream.  The older I get the more I'm unlearning the silly orthodoxy that says you're only allowed to like tube amps. 

What can I say... I like options. I'm one of those unfortunates that has to feel like I have explored every nook and cranny of every option before I can come to a compromise that I can live with. So, I'm just asking around in case there was something I hadn't seen or thought of.
I really like JC's, but I've really got a thing for the AC top boost cleans too... so I'm hoping for some sort of AC/JC 2x10 hybrid unicorn to magically appear before my eyes (no, I have not thought it thru)

Quote from: reddesert on August 22, 2018, 10:08:21 PM
Solid state, used: Peavey Studio Chorus 210, Fender Princeton Chorus (210).
I've never had either of these, but they are probably pretty solid choices if you want a clean, solid state stereo chorus amp. I think Peavey and Fender both made a range of sizes when stereo chorus amps were fashionable. I doubt they're as loud as the Rolands, which are legendary for being loud and heavy IIRC. If I had infinite storage space and some talent, I would get a stereo chorus amp, because stereo chorus damnit.

I've seen the 2x12 Fender and Peavey stereo chorus amps but not in a 2x10. I actually didn't explore those too much but I'll look around again. I know it's blasphemy but I am just not in to Fender amps. Although, I have considered bolting a couple of Princetons together. I've had a few Peavey amps and they are not really my thing either even though I do currently have a Peavey 1x15 bass amp.

Also, nothing against Line6 but I'm not sure I'd be into those either although to be fair, I have never played a Spider. I did have a Variax acoustic at one point and really liked it and I do currently have a M9 on the board.

Even tho I dig the idea of having stereo chorus built in, it's not a deal killer if it doesn't have it. I do have a couple of chorus pedals.

Thanks again for all the input(except for maybe the fish thing:)
Open Discussion / Re: Quaverto Harmonic Trem
August 21, 2018, 04:47:56 PM
I haven't seen an enclosure like that before. Anybody know what it is?

Also, how do you make faceplates like that?
Open Discussion / 2x10 stereo guitar amps
August 21, 2018, 12:10:02 AM
I'm looking to weigh any and all options to buy or build a 2x10 "Stereo" combo amp. I listed the ones I know of below.

Does anyone know if there are any other past or present production models out there, or if there are any kits or diy projects floating around?

Ideally, I'm looking for a stereo AC-30 top boost with a half power switch and in a small form factor, but I'm open to anything that might be interesting. Solid state is not out of the question. I have owned a JC-77 and loved it, but it had mystery issues so its gone. I would love to build one but have never even seen a clone of a JC much less a project for one.

Any input is appreciated.

Magnatone Panaramic Stereo

Roland Jazz Chorus JC-40, JC-77, JC-90

Orange Rocker 32

Gibson GA-79 RTV

Open Discussion / Circuit Analysis
August 20, 2018, 03:57:44 PM
In addition to the Tutorials section, I think it would be helpful to have a collection of links to all the different detailed circuit analysis pages scattered around the internet. These are Not "How To's" like tutorials, but are detailed descriptions and explanations of well know circuits, not generalized concepts. Please post a link to any that I've missed.

Let's kick it off with none other than R.G. Keen's...

The Technology of the Tube Screamer
The Technology of the Fuzz Face
The Technology of the Univibe

Here are all the wonderful ElectroSmash articles:

Tube Screamer
Big Muff
Boss CE-2
Boss DS-1
Fuzz Face
Phase 90
Sitar Swami
Vox Wah
EMG 81 pickup
Back Talk
PT2399 delay chip

Other random analysis articles:

Boss MT-2

LM308 opamp

741 opamp

555 Timer