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Messages - TNblueshawk

Open Discussion / Re: The great debate...
September 21, 2011, 08:41:16 PM
An analogy strikes me here. Blues is the father of modern music, certainly to R&R and jazz, in my humble opinion and those of many much smarter than me, but not all music is Blues. Is this a similar analogy to the 808 to all OD's maybe?

Just a thought.
Taking it a different direction and being fairly new to this, my TIME is the best investment and the most precious. By that I mean I've spent the time reading on a particular forum, countless hours, in an effort to learn. I could have taken the easy way out and just posted question after question but I knew my questions have been asked before. Now, that doens't mean I didn't ask some questions I'm still embarrassed about to this day  :-[

If I was to go with something physical, the Hakko I got a few months back I suppose.
Open Discussion / Re: Im new here!
September 21, 2011, 08:26:51 PM
Bill, I'm sort of new to pedal building. I see your question as sort of two fold. First, I am not aware of a pedal building "book" out there...I've looked. What I've learned on actual pedal building comes from sites like this, BYOC in particular, and the aforementioned websites above as well and a few others.

Now, in terms of a book I've read a few and for me I didn't know squat about electronics. I didn't know a resistor from a capacitor. So, in my effort to figure out what each does, I searced for books. The one that could explain it to a moron like me was Electronics for Dummies. It will explain what each componenet does to start you from the ground up. What it won't do is help you build pedals but at least if you are like me you have a much greater understanding of what is going on.

The next book I'm ordering is the Art of Electronics. I'm told many consider it the Bible of electronics which means I probably won't understand any of it  ::) .

The best advice I could give is read, read, read and when you think you are done, read some more. I have to read things several times to make it stick sometimes and the more different sites and way of explaining it I read the better off I am.

Just my 2pf's. Good luck.
Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Updates
September 21, 2011, 08:16:11 PM
Quote from: timbo_93631 on September 21, 2011, 07:43:04 PM
Quote from: Haberdasher on September 21, 2011, 07:32:43 PM
Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on September 21, 2011, 05:09:38 PMGo on the facebook and ask for a coupon, the lady always hooks me up.

Thanks for the tip but it won't help me.  Evidently I am the last remaining human without a facebook acct. :D

No, I am _the_ other human without a facebook account!

Nope, add me to the list and I'll take it a step further. I've made a vow to myself to never have one, ever. I actually still pick up the phone and talk to my close friends and family....a novel idea I know  :) .
Open Discussion / Re: Power Supplies for Pedal Boards
September 19, 2011, 08:49:13 PM
PP2 for me. Heck I have 2 of them on my non DIY pedal board. I would do it all over again too money wise as they are solid and can be adapted to 18v pedals etc... Awesome product if you have the coin.
Open Discussion / Re: Weber amp kits.
September 07, 2011, 08:08:00 PM
Quote from: dwstanford on September 07, 2011, 12:52:48 AM
Has anyone built any of the weber amp kits?  Im thinking about building a 5e3, but since i know jack crap about building amps, i may want to start with a champ or a reverb unit.  Ive used weber speakers and they are top knotch.  I have heard great things about the amp kits, but i dont want to invest the money if i'm gonna be in over my head.

For what it is worth, BYOC is coming out with a 5w'ish Champ kit before the year is out and later a few others. The inof is on their main page not in the forum (although there is a pretty good thread in there about it) but in their store.