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Messages - Scruffie

Build Reports / Re: Lectric DC Echo
October 10, 2020, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: danfrank on October 10, 2020, 11:05:46 PM
A secret lazy club... MY kind of club!
Yeah, more a collective, there's no meetings and you can get the refreshments out your own fridge.

But our delays sound awesome.
Build Reports / Re: Lectric DC Echo
October 10, 2020, 10:58:36 PM
Quote from: Thewintersoldier on October 10, 2020, 08:41:03 PM
Everything that lectric says on their site about this is lies. Its better than that.
We tricked you in to building it  ;D

Slick as always and dig the EHX style knob choice.

Quote from: jjjimi84 on October 10, 2020, 10:47:58 PM
Great work! Looks amazing, I wanna hear some clips!!!!
It's a secret club to actually know what it sounds like :-X
Dankeschön, if this works out I'll have Keefe send you a board.
Could any of you fine people give me a clock reading for the vibrato setting at minimum rate & depth?

Bonus points for maximum depth and chorus at min. and max rate.
Yeah, I've got it.
Pumpkins is famously the Op Amp muff.
A 78L33 ???

Where did you get the 18V number for the 7805? They have a terminal voltage of 30V.
General Questions / Re: Need help with zener diode
October 02, 2020, 10:36:24 PM
They do act as a resistor... under the right conditions, the resistance will vary with voltage and current across it.
General Questions / Re: Need help with zener diode
October 02, 2020, 07:39:56 PM
CLR, a zener isn't a regulator.
I think by law you have to pick a phase 90 or small stone for your first phaser.
Open Discussion / Re: Favorite pedal brand
October 01, 2020, 10:11:09 PM
I... don't like lovetone... at all...

I've tried them, there seems to be so much superfluous range and the actual core designs really don't wow me, I always just think of them as pedals with all the mods rather than being designed from the ground to have a huge range of useful sounds.

Respect what they were but I just don't get 'em.
Open Discussion / Re: Designing for parts?
October 01, 2020, 11:14:50 AM
I do it on a case by case basis and have always tried to take component scarcity in to consideration and project desirability.

I'm not going to be designing boards to use the SAD1024, when Lectric started we did do MN3007 based boards as they were still in plentiful supply on the market but made sure to always add an 3207 option as I was aware that wouldn't be the case forever but since then thankfully, Xvive have started producing them again.

We recently included a CA3080 on the Downtown, that was mainly down to board space constrictions, but on occasion a circuit will need some redesigning to accommodate a LM13700 due to its 2 diode drops and people can be wary of overly modified circuits. But they were still being produced and sold through several legitimate suppliers and now Alfa are reissuing them, I see no reason not to use them, if anything, their use should be encouraged, we want these companies to do well!

Ebay purchases are down to the builder, I'd never recommend anyone buy from ebay unless they're set up to test for functionality and happy to take the risk, but I can't control someones purchasing ethics. Tayda have been known to sell faulty parts that are common and in production... you get what you pay for.

Germanium, I don't have a horse in that race.
Quote from: midwayfair on September 26, 2020, 04:19:05 AM
Quote from: Miles on September 25, 2020, 09:00:20 PM
One thing I noticed is that there are no electrolytic capacitors (or any for that matter) from C19-C21. Only C22. Just confirming the others mentioned apply to the 2015 model. I have them on order now.

Post a link to the schematic you're building from. There's at least two PDFs of the harbinger.

He did  :)

Quote from: Miles on September 22, 2020, 11:45:22 AM
It's in the 2015 subfolder in the zip archive:

Darn, at least you know the power supply is all clean now.

Next step will be to audio probe through the circuit to try and pin point what took a hit.