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Messages - TNblueshawk

It finally hit me after Scruff's second post. The word "Doh" came to mind with a forehead slap. I plan to do all these things on my long weekend. I'm off work tomorrow.

Thanks to both of you and I'll report back.
Quote from: Scruffie on August 22, 2019, 01:59:49 PM
Speed should be C500k, that's nearly always the case unless the pot is being used as a voltage divider but that will only help with the action of the speed pot.

Your wiring could do with being a bit neater, wont help with hiss but it will with any stray sweeping noise. Or just shield it as already discussed.

But mainly, as Lacky pointed out, where's your regulator? An unfiltered/unregulated charge pump running in to a flanger is going to be noisy, the circuit doesn't have any kind of power filtering on the audio. It would probably be worth running a 2W 10R after the regulator to the board as well to create a filter.

It should be a reasonably quiet flanger, S/N is good and there's a decent amount of audio filtering.

Hey Scruff, I'm using an LT1054 if I recall right on the Road Rage with a regulated 9v PS off a Voodoo Labs PS for either 15v or 18v operation. I forget what I decided to try to run it on off hand. I do plan to shield. My wiring looks worse since I've been taking it out and playing with it but I'll route things better when I shut the box up for good.

I am a little confused though with respect to the Speed pot. In the BOM for this project there is not a Speed pot. There is a Sweep along with the Manual, Regen and Width. But, I'm guessing the Sweep should maybe be a C500k?

Are you saying I should regulate more with the 2w10r in some way?
So, in my docs it calls it a Sweep pot and not Speed. But if you look in the original manual for this pedal on line it is called a Speed pot. So, I'm thinking maybe it should be C500k. I used an A500k. I'm not sure that solves anything noise related but interesting nonetheless.
Open Discussion / Re: Boom BAP boom BAP!
August 21, 2019, 07:43:53 PM
Looks like he got his chops from Jerry Lee Lewis.
Well, for sure all the speed pots are C rather than A on the builds I've built but i don't recall if I caught that when I built it. I built this several months ago but got into a kitchen project and didn't get back to this one for a bit. I'm at work so I'll have to look at the build.

My multimeter doesn't have Freq measurements. This is the model
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 20, 2019, 06:46:31 PM
Quote from: TNblueshawk on August 20, 2019, 06:37:10 PM
No, I don't have a scope unfortunately. Always meant to get one. Never did like with many things.

What about a multimeter with frequency measurement?

Well I have to admit that I've never noticed if I do. I'll check it out tonight. I want to say no on my one meter but maybe.
No, I don't have a scope unfortunately. Always meant to get one. Never did like with many things.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 20, 2019, 04:42:40 PM
I built two of these previously. Had noise issues with both. The only way I got around it was to either feed it regulated 18V or, on another build, I incorporated the same transformer that was in the originals.

And... shielded wiring. Input to PCB and PCB to output.

Good Luck  ;D

Thanks Gov. I thought about shielded wiring but didn't know if it would do anything. I guess every little thing might lower it.
Well if you don't mind me saying that I thought you measured up quite well when creating this PCB  ;D Yeah, if I could tame it just a bit I could use it.

Thanks for a few tips Bean. I'll socket those this week and see what I think.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Noise help with a flanger
August 20, 2019, 02:51:17 PM
Ok, so I've built Bean's MXR117 SAD 1024 version. It's up and running and sounds great except for the noise. While I can live with a little noise there is just too much to make this pedal usable. I'm out of my element on how to reduce it to where it's tolerable. I've tried it on a One Spot as well as my Voodoo Lab's PS and it is the exact same. It is not in a chain of pedals.

Noise wise, you hear the clock but if that was all I heard it is low enough to where I could get by and not sweat it too much. But the classic swooshing thing is just too much.

Any thoughts on how I might attack this problem would be helpful. I realize the SAD has more inherent noise however no way do I believe that all the old SAD chips were this noisy by 'design'. Now, this SAD chip could be in and of itself 'bad' but before I decide that I'd like to try a few things to bring it down some.

I have pics below to see if anyone spots anything out of whack. All the pots work however the one that jacks this pedal up is if I take the Regen past 75% there is an immediate squeal and I don't mean the kind that you go huh and it goes up when you keep turning. I mean the kind that will make you come out of your skin immediately.

Also of note the trimmer nearest the top and nearest the SAD chip is very scratchy while turning.

Thoughts from anyone?

Admittedly I'm a dunce with tech stuff and I don't do Facebook, or any social media for that matter, but am I the only one who doesn't understand French on here? How do you guys know what he said, or those that don't know French?

For me, it's in my nature to build things. It started with my first house. Landscaping, painting etc.. then our second house I learned tile, hardwood etc.. built a patio, bricked steps and on and on. Just gutted my old tile kitchen floor and laid tile last month and painted it for the 4th time, courtesy of my wife. So, that piece is in me which is the satisfaction of creating something out of nothing and calling it your own. Enter pedal building, and a few amps too, in 2011. Same feeling. Same reasons although not as physically demanding. Mentally demanding, for me, for sure as I don't fully understand it all.

I think if we are all honest there is some satisfaction in showing it off as well to people who appreciate what you can do.

After that there are many other reasons you guys mention that apply to me as well. I usually pop a beer open, put my Ipod on shuffle and enjoy the hell out of sitting at my bench and soldering. 
Open Discussion / Re: Packing in
June 07, 2019, 03:42:42 PM
Good luck to you John. Loved your builds and never had the guts to 'Tex' like you guys did. I just poured the shit all over it and hoped for the best  :o

I've slowed way down but still enjoy it enough to do a few builds here and there so I get it. Building something, patio, bricking steps, bathroom demo remodel coming up etc... and pedals, and hopefully more amps with woodwork, is just in me. It sounds like it is in you too so enjoy what are doing now and into the future.
Open Discussion / RIP Dr. John
June 07, 2019, 03:01:49 PM
This saddens me. I loved that dudes music. What an original.
Very sorry to hear you going through this. I have watched my wife deal with the auto-immune disease Crohn's for what is now 30 years roughly. She has a foot of her intestine taken out many years ago. Prednisone is something she is very familiar with. Amazing drug in the short term but not so amazing long term. I mention all this as there was a time when she was on IV treatment every 6 weeks when the Crohn's was active and was on a drug Remicade. We credit that to her remission to where at least it's not active. After 6 years of using it, it created its own issues for as you said these things are designed to knock down the immune system and who in their right mind really wants that in a perfect world.

I'm curious if anyone has ever suggested Remicade and other drugs like it at least in the short term? Just a thought when it gets real bad.

As we all know, all these drugs have side effects but in our case having more intestine removed was worse than the side effects. It's a balancing act to be sure.

At any rate, I do hope you can get a handle on it and keep a handle on it.