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Messages - lincolnic

Glad to help (and you can thank Scruffie for providing the correct method)! Brian said he was going to update the build docs a month or two ago, but it hasn't happened yet.
Make sure that you note the build doc is wrong when it tells you how to calibrate the Gain 2 trimmer. The actual way to do that is to set it so the volume is equal at pin 7 and pin 14/15 (either one) of the NE570.
Build Reports / Re: Sea Monster (Gravity Wave)
March 29, 2016, 04:10:12 AM
Killer etch! Hope it sounds as good as it looks.
Quote from: gaffled on March 28, 2016, 06:55:00 PM
Well I'm pretty sure my ad633 is bad.  Before I put the chip in I get -14.36 to pin 5 and 14.84 to pin 8.  As soon as I put in the ad633 I get -3.89 to pin 5 and -1.21 to pin 1.   I bought mine on ebay from china.  Does anyone on here have a seller they bought from that I can try to purchase from.  I know that's not always a guarantee but its better than stabbing in the dark.   thanks, Mike

Mouser sells them.
Build Reports / Re: Tap Tempo Cardinal
March 29, 2016, 03:54:34 AM
Easily one of the best etches I've ever seen. So much work scratching the paint off! So worth it.
Quote from: John S on March 28, 2016, 03:25:58 AM
I'm having the same issue with the lt1054 in my rust bucket project. I took out all the chips and it was still really hot. When I measure the voltages on the l7815 cv it reads 18v on the in and it jumps around on the out pin. I tried several l7815cv (socketed) and they all do this. I've even tried several lt1054 chips and they all get hot. Any suggestions. Thanks

If the voltage is jumping around on your output pin, something is wrong. The regulator should be putting out a steady 15V. That's the only job it does.
Build Reports / Re: Two more builds from this week
March 26, 2016, 03:51:04 AM
Both of these look awesome! Really nice work.
Open Discussion / Re: So cool! (Boss Vocoder)
March 24, 2016, 07:22:29 PM
I was waiting for the PGS demo of this thing -- sounds awesome! Wish I had any use for one at all.
Build Reports / Re: 3 more all built up and stuff
March 24, 2016, 07:12:15 PM
These look awesome. Hope to see more of your work soon!
Slightly off-topic, but, like, has everyone implying that playing badly is an integral part of punk never listened to the Dead Kennedys or the Damned or the Buzzcocks, or what?

Saying "this kind of music is always played badly" isn't any different from saying "anyone who uses pedals can't play well". Respect is a two-way street, and we can't rail against one false stereotype while propping up another one. The dudes Mojo Fandangle ran into at his friends' gig were undoubtedly jerks, but don't let a few jerks make you write off an entire genre of music.
The Total Recall is a DMM clone designed for two MN3005s or four MN3008s.
Mods / Re: Taming the Rustbucket
March 21, 2016, 03:17:01 AM
Quote from: Scruffie on March 20, 2016, 03:31:42 PM
Rather than hacking in extra resistors, a multi-turn trim pot might be an easier solution.

Might be a big pain to actually get it to the right position in the first place, though.
Quote from: Dminner on March 19, 2016, 12:43:48 PM
The lovetone stuff is super fun to design since it is always so control heavy.  I want more :). I REALLY want a ring stinger. You guys that have built ring stinger clones, where did you get the boards?

I said it in your thread, but Brian's working on a PCB for this. Otherwise I believe Haberdasher has etched some too. But if you want to wait for the Madbean project, I'd be happy to build it with you!
Definitely interested!
Those guts are waaaaay too neat. Amazing work, both of you!