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Messages - Dminner

Build Reports / Re: Harmonic Overdriver thanks to Lubdar
September 20, 2016, 07:30:57 PM
Quote from: storyboardist on September 20, 2016, 07:25:00 PM
Killer build. Looks awesome!

thanks man!  Sometime I need to find someone that can help me build a MINI with the layout you posted on your site  ;)
Build Reports / Harmonic Overdriver thanks to Lubdar
September 20, 2016, 02:31:46 PM
I didn't really do much on this...but it turned out cool.  I bought something from Lubdar recently and he was awesome and threw in a loaded circuit.  He did all of the real work.  I just made an enclosure and loaded it.  But I did wire all the jacks and the footswitch board to the pcb (for that I even used fancy ass wiring like I have seen on here haha)  ;D

Very cool effect.  It is his evil fuzz/interstellar overdriver/harmonic transformer hybrid thingy.

No cuts. Side pot is trimmer externally mounted and the toggle/momentary just connects two points of the large ic.
On the 1700?  It is one of the internal trimmers mounted externally.  I just started spinning them on all my pds units to see if any do cool things.  On my 2700 I realized that spinning one of the trimmers all the way created this weird lofi fuzzy broken speaker sound so I wired that one up to a toggle to make the pot and create a "lofi" switch.
Quote from: Addy Bart on September 15, 2016, 04:59:57 PM
Slick! Would love to hear what it can do.

I don't have a full video of what the 20/20 can do...but here is a short video on what the glitch feature does.  It is tuned by the speed (affect frequency) and width (effects pitch, from crystalline sounding artifacts to more skipping, tape break sounds).

The 1700 is INSANE.  I made this demo with the idea of continuously rotating the side knob throughout the video.  However, the low end is not very pretty sounds start at around the 2min mark.  I don't even know what kind of effect it is now.  It does chorus and flanger sure, but also ring mod, pitch shifting, and lots more.

I thought I would make a build thread just because I was proud of something I finished recently...I wasn't sure I was going to post it because it isn't a real "build"...  It is just pedal modding as I baby step my way from just doing enclosure to also doing the innards.  But I was pleased of the outcome so I figured why not.

Awhile back I worked out a labor trade to rehouse a old digitech pds unit of mine.  However, conversations during the rehouse kind of fueled my desire to experiment with the pds stuff.  It is a fun starting block for me because they can be had pretty cheap (so if make a massive screw up, no worries) and because they can be modded to do crazy things.

I started with a 1700 I got for cheap, and have made a handful since.  Just randomly probing and circuit bending to create cool sounds :)

However, recently I got more ambitious. I had a spare 20/20 and while I was waiting on the other forum member to rehouse my other one, I decided, why not? And tried rehousing and modding my spare unit. The included a couple mods, upgrading switches, and externally wiring EVERYTHING! The were a couple of bumps along the way (like me accidently removing pads and having to hook to traces), but all in all I learned some stuff and was proud of the outcome.  The enclosure was MASSIVE, which help with my newb skills.  The guy rehousing my other one has a much smaller enclosure he is working with.

Anyway, here it is.  And a 125b for size comparison haha

Build Reports / Re: Gristleizer (First Transmission)
August 10, 2016, 01:43:07 PM
very cool enclosure!
Build Reports / Re: Total Recall
August 01, 2016, 05:17:48 PM
That could be the most beautiful pedal I have ever seen.  I love everything about it.
Wow that double envelope filter looks completely insane!
With our other guitar player having a baby recently we haven't played in nearly 7months and in that time I have focused more on building pedals than playing. I haven't bought a guitar in years but I bought a beautiful one last week. Come to find all of this time off has made me a pretty terrible player  :-\   Crazy how rusty I have got. Bummed me out a bit.
Build Reports / Re: Tap Tempo Cardinal
March 28, 2016, 03:45:14 PM
Fantastic etch man!
It is a 1590dd. I have a thing for vertical 1590dd's. Anthony is awesome to work with and I hope we do more stuff together :)

The lovetone stuff is super fun to design since it is always so control heavy.  I want more :). I REALLY want a ring stinger. You guys that have built ring stinger clones, where did you get the boards?
great design
Build Reports / Re: Pedalboard pics megathread
March 07, 2016, 05:14:54 PM
Quote from: Timko on February 04, 2016, 07:26:05 PM

Top Row (L/R): Forever Royal Harmonic Tremolo (Cardinal Tremolo), Rub a Dub Deluxe Reverb, Muliplex Tape Echo Machine, Solaris Fuzz Face, Bear Hug Compressor, Sonic Research Tuner.
Bottom Row (L/R): Bloodstone Phaser (Bastone), Moog Minifooger Delay, Andromeda Overdrive (Novels OD), Myths & Legends Overdrive (Klon/Maxon OD), Dual Voice Filter.

Is this like a DBA kill kill filter?
Open Discussion / Re: New Gear Thread
March 05, 2016, 01:34:12 AM
Quote from: bcalla on March 05, 2016, 12:37:23 AM
The drum kit is great, but your practice room is awesome!

Thabks man! I got tired of kids messing with knobs and got cabinets big enough to hold everything :)