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Messages - muddyfox

Open Discussion / Re: Pot tabs
August 11, 2013, 08:01:46 PM
wow that's a great tip. gotta try that, too bad i snap those off as soon as pots arrive from tayda and now i have 30ish pots and no tabs. :)

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General Questions / Re: Multiple 4PDT/3PDT
August 11, 2013, 02:35:23 PM
and also, im on my phone on vacation so i cant draw you a diagram but it seems to me that one 3pdt would suffice for this (or a 4pdt if you want a led as well). just do what you did with first two effects, only treat the two switchable as one unit.

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General Questions / Re: Multiple 4PDT/3PDT
August 11, 2013, 02:32:02 PM
so you want 5 footstomps? what enclosure are you planning on using?

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very cool! what are the jumper wires? i cant really tell on my phone screen...

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Open Discussion / Re: Low rider 2in1 questions
August 10, 2013, 07:28:06 PM
would there be phase shifting concerns in that setup?

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Open Discussion / Low rider 2in1 questions
August 10, 2013, 06:10:14 PM
i usually put a flip switch order switcher, i don't think i've ever built a fuzz/od combo without it. very useful gizmo and all it takes is a switch and a few wires.

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Tech Help - Projects Page / cavedweller problem
August 09, 2013, 08:21:27 PM
very cool! thanks for putting this together, my cramped workbench (aka dinner table) will take a lot less tidying up every evening when the spousal unit becomes miffed about the amount of "crap" on it...

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Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: cavedweller problem
August 09, 2013, 06:33:46 PM
audioprobe ftw!

Jacob, will your test contraption include an audioprobe and a signal generator of some sort? that'd be nifty, i contemplated building something like that but i never seem to be able to get around actually doing it. :)

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Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Quality
August 09, 2013, 05:22:48 PM
@ch: cool. i socket all my diodes anyways so some experimentation is gonna happen.

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Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Quality
August 09, 2013, 02:46:12 PM
Rob, what can you do with out-of-spec ones? any part of a circuit they are still good enough for?

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Open Discussion / Re: Tayda Quality
August 09, 2013, 10:41:25 AM
same here. i get what i order every time.
their 1n34as however... got 20 in the last order, all measuring over 2v. 20 in the order before that, half dead half at way over 1v.
i got store credit refund on both without question but i need my germs. :)
-any lead on verified sources for 34a's?
-any use for those high voltage ones or can i just forward them to the thrash can?

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i'll be getting a dopp in a oshpark groupbuy so i can probably whip something up but it will be at least a month till it gets here.

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my little one is five... i always wondered how one comes up with a solder iron appropriate age for girls and what project would make her like it. any tips?

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Please do. I got my latest batch beginning of May and all 20 were unusable. Got my refund the very next day.  ;)
A word of warning about Tayda's 1n34a... they are all crap. All of them.

I've ordered 20pieces on three different occasions, all of them came in dead or unusable. And by unusable I mean with forward voltage drop of over 2V  :o

I've contacted Tayda about it and each and every time they gave me full refund in store credit. I guess they know all about it.  ;)

The only legit (decent fvd) 1n34a's I've ever gotten (and I've tried all the usual shady chinese crap peddlers, G&C, polida and such) were from Barry over at Bought 10, all of them right on the money.