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Messages - muddyfox

Build Reports / Azabache! with board mounted everything
September 08, 2013, 10:24:03 PM
excellent! just enough room for jacks and dc and stomp, asymetric should  look pretty cool.
i normally wire pots offboard and your switched pot wouldnt be a problem but since i already have a version like that, i'll be looking for a mounted one so lemme know if you make a run of the corrected boards. although, i've been toying with the idea of making one in smd just for practice... :)

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Very nice.
It's too late to go into extrapolation here so lemme just ask... can it fit in a 1590B sideways?

I have a board from Ian over at DIYSB that still needs populating but I was thinking of making my own "everything mounted" version eventually. Now it seems I won't have to, once you roll out your v1.1 with the correction.
yeah i was trying to steer clear of any dubious sentence construction but obviously not very succesfully. ;)

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@Paul: sometimes I do that but I spread it out first, then snip. not much of a difference but I always have a feeling that the outer legs are too short if I snip first. :)
also, I do it that way if I'm not expecting to remove them from the socket often. it really is a snug fit. if otoh I plan to swap it out often for testing or whatnot, then I bend the legs for easier insertion.
dunno, works for me....

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i've been doing it freehand with needlenose pliers and never broke a leg but it's a PITA. if there's a handy way of doing it i'd also very much like to know...

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not to sound like an *ss, but i never would have guessed that this isn't common knowledge. :)
i suppose it's because i started on vero and moved to other things so i never figured it for a big deal. i probably have half a dozen of these still lying around, "built" out of necessity.
but yes, these are a lifesaver if you are doing vero, i never could bend the components to size by eye only so this was the only way to make it neat.

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Global Annoucements / Re: 08.24 - Maintanence complete
August 24, 2013, 09:56:46 PM

Tapatalk finally working again!

Cheers Brian!

I can't log in with tapatalk pro v2.2.
It gives me the "login failed, you entered wrong pass or tapatalk is disabled" spiel even though I clearly know my password.  ::)

Will Tapatalk access bi fixed as well? It has been acting up for the last few days...
agreed. easier to archive for future reference and doesnt depend on image hoster going bananas.

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ive got a drill press and still clamp them down hard. im very short on luck these days as it is, why push it when all it takes is one clamp...

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Build Reports / New test box
August 14, 2013, 12:26:09 PM
@gledison: its really easy and highly functional. an easy google search away but in a nutshell its a normal instrument cable with a small blocking cap on the tip wire. you plug one end in your amp, connect other end ground to your circuit ground and use the tip to probe around your circuit. makes it easy to trace your signal path and see where the signal gets lost. i dont even have a dedicated cable anymore, i just whip up one when i need one wit a cable, a cap and a few alligator clips.
really, an indispensable diagnostic tool.

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sure thing. before i got a drill press i drilled all holes with a hand drill and a step bit.
make sure your box is clamped down. it can be done handheld but more often than not the drillbit would wander offcenter, even with a pilot hole.
clamped down, not so much.
make sure you only push down and not to the sides and it should work fine.

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Open Discussion / Pale IC label prints (called that?)
August 11, 2013, 09:21:09 PM
now that you mention it... never really paid much attention to it but i do remember some logic chips from sgs thomson a decade back that had simply blindingly white text on them. none of that going on these days... i wonder if that's just me not handling enough ics or i'm only gettng chinese fakes...

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General Questions / Re: is genuis to hard for me?
August 11, 2013, 09:16:47 PM
as a blanket statement, nothing to it. take it easy, triple check every step you make and you'll be fine. bigger builds are mostly just that, bigger than small ones. once in a while you get some weird thing going on (like an lfo) but if it ends up not working you always have this board to help you get things straightened out.

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