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Topics - archaos

Build Reports / Total Recall + MV-64 = success !
July 03, 2017, 07:57:15 PM

I've just finished my second Totall Recall, and managed to get it working properly when controlled by a Delaytion (like did Brian with the Timelapse, I guess).

The Delaytion buffer needs to be somewhat modded (attached) so as to match 4047 voltages (attached), 2N7000 removed and swapped with 2N3906 ; 330R gate resistor replaced with 1k8 emitter resistor ; 10k collector/4047 resistor tied to -15VDC added).

Furthermore, the modulation depth control ought to be modded as well, otherwise it can quite tricky to use because the settings sound way too extreme and weird. Indeed, with just a little CW rotation, 'the depth dives too deeply'.
Hence the adding of a 150k resistor in series between the 3rd lug (hot) of that pot and AVDD (3.3V).

Enjoy !
Here you go :
General Questions / Problem with Delaytion
April 02, 2017, 03:39:15 PM
Hey friends,

I have one problem with a Delaytion kit I've recently built : it works, but not as it should.
Explanations (see below the conversation with Bill from Molten Voltage) :
Quote"I have the same kind of issues encountered by that guy :

There's actually a problem with the tempo function either in Tap or Pot mode : it seems the lowest tempo sits around 140 BPM (1:1 delay ratio position), whereas it should start @88 BPM (681.8 ms), since my "chip count select" is Pin 1 high (Delay Time Max. : 682.6 ms, as mentioned in the MV-64 datasheet). 3.3V is read @ on pins 1, 13 & 28, as well as on the pots (Delay, Rate, Depth).

MV-59B seems to store 4 presets correctly.

So my Delaytion is eventually unusable.

Could that be an issue with the MV-64 chip ?"

Bill's answer :
Quote"Have you connected pin 24 to ground and left pin 23 unconnected?  This is what it means to have "Pin 1 High"

Pin 23 has a weak pullup on it, so you don't hold it high, instead you ground pin 24, which would otherwise be high if not connected."

And finally :
Quote"I indeed grounded Pin 24, and left Pin 23 unconnected.

I eventually check the effectiveness connection of Pin 24 to ground, and it's OK.

As for Pin 23, it's well left "high".

I must add that each time there's a contact (latching or momentary) between Pin 16 and ground, the tempo LED automatically blinks around 100-110 BPM, but no signal is sent trough the BBD Clock Output (Pin14). However, the LED tempo is stored in the memory..."

Today I can just add the voltage regulator (TO-92 STM L78L33) uses to run quite hot, even if the operating temperature for that device can go up to + 150 C.
Now I'm stuck, any ideas/suggestions ?
Build Reports / Yet another Pork Barrel...
May 10, 2016, 01:07:05 PM a 125B
That's here :
Build Reports / Yet 2 others Current Lover
April 01, 2016, 08:01:05 AM
Thanks Brian !