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Topics - KCTigerChief

I have a question, and this has been an issue on 2 of the 3 pedals I've enclosed.

When I print off the drill template (with no scaling), it does not necessarily line up with the enclosure.  The top, for example, is narrower than the enclosure top.  So when you drill the holes, they are a little too close together, for the pots.

I REALLY noticed this when doing my ZeroPoint SDX...that thing was a BEAR to get together...I was just wondering if I'm missing something, or if there is anything that will make it a little easier to get the drilling correct.

Hey guys, I had my ZPSDX in the studio last weekend and noticed that it was actually adding some hair to my clean signal.  Upon further inspection, there is a noticeable boost in volume when the effect is engaged, it does not matter what switches are on or where the knobs are at...It's always there.  In looking at the schematic, would the R6 10k resistor be the resistor to change for output volume?  How would one going about swapping in a trim pot there instead, if that is in fact the correct resistor?

Thanks a lot!

Hey guys, I just finished up my Zero Point SDX build, and went back over the documentation before I fired it up to verify everything was correct.  Everything appeared to be correct.  I went and hooked it up in my test box, before I boxed it up, and realized I was only getting one repeat.  The delay knob works, as I can adjust the time it takes for that one delay to happen.  The feedback knob works, mix knob, rate and depth both work.  The switches also seem to be fine, except for the Path switch.  When I flip that to the other side, all I get is the dry signal.

Was hoping to use this box when my band hits the studio next weekend, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks guys!

So I just completed the mudbunny build, and I'm having the same problem I had on my Pastyface build too...Hoping someone can guide me to some answers.

When using the tone control, and going all the way to the treble side, all of the bass is sucked out...To me, it seems like it should just add treble to the mix, instead of add treble and cut bass.  It seems most distortion pedals I've used are setup this way, so that it doesn't sound ballless on the treble side.

Is this how the tonestack is supposed to work?  Is there a mod I could do in order to fullfill my quest for bass staying on the treble side? :)

Thanks all!