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Topics - euphyllia

Tech Help - Projects Page / Zero Point SDX LED problem
September 05, 2014, 11:03:30 AM
I've now built 2 ZPSDX, but I can't get the modulation rate LED to work on either of them.  I have removed the LEDs to check that they are working, which they are, but once they have been soldered in place, they never illuminate.
All other functions work.
I did a search, but couldn't find anyone else with the same problem.
Please help!
Could anyone recommend a build that would come close to the sound of a solid state amp,  super tight high gain sound like a Randall RG100es/Dimebag sound?
Could anyone help advise me how to properly measure photocell resistance to make my ldrs for nautilus and the like?  I bought some GL5549 photocell (100K-10M) and when I test dark resistance it varies wildly. Often the dark resistance will go off the scale even when my multimeter is set to 200M. Are these photocells ok for Nautilus?
General Questions / Buy BBD for Aquaboy 2012
May 24, 2014, 03:35:29 AM
I've done a basic search to see where to buy  Mn3205, 3005 & v3205. Apart from eBay (dodgy) and retroamplis,  where else is reliable and reasonably priced. I'm in  Australia. I assume from madbean's project the are no other ic's suitable for this build?