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Topics - nativetrash

Where can you get the metal enclosures like the Verellen Big Spider (and their larger preamps) come in? The ones where you bolt them to wood sides. I guess the Moogerfoogers are the same way too.

Thought you guys might appreciate it, most people think it's a gay pride symbol or are completely lost when I explain what it actually is. Still healing - the orange and yellow look the same but once healed it will be obvious they aren't.

I've built this effect before and did not have a problem, but recently I decided to build it again and everything sounds great after I bias w/ the trim pots but every time I disconnect it from a power source and plug it back in the biasing seems to reset completely and i get no sound until I start adjusting the trim pots.

Any idea what might be happening?
General Questions / Cardinal Tremolo help
October 14, 2013, 12:38:55 PM
Hi -

I've built a ton of projects over the last 2 years. I just built the Cardinal Tremolo from the 1776 board and I get a signal when the effect is engaged, it may be a little more treble tinged but there is no effect on it. I adjusted the trim pots, turned pots in every way possible but nothing. I can hear the thud of the tremolo in the background and the LED and this thud will increase when you increase the rate but it's not getting through to the signal.

Could this be from not biasing the transistors? I didn't socket them, but I'm in the process of desoldering them and putting in some sockets now.

I just wanted to see if this could be due to a different problem.


I'm building a rat from vero (tag board effects version) and bypass works but when I engage the effect I get a loud ringing / humming that the sustain pot will actually change the pitch of as you turn it before it will eventually cut off

Any ideas?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Wiring 2 LEDs
November 27, 2012, 08:37:36 PM
I searched and couldn't find any info and sorry if this is a stupid question, but how would I wire two leds to one footswitch so that both light up when effect is on? (putting them in eyes of artwork on enclosure)

Tech Help - Projects Page / Problems with Pork Barrel
November 07, 2012, 03:58:18 PM
I'll post photos of the wiring & board tonight in case the answer isn't obvious but I just built a pork barrel and have successfully made 10-12 pedals prior to this one and when I went to test it out it made a weird pulsing / almost heartbeat noise but nothing else. It bypassed fine but when on it kept making the noise.

Anyone have any idea what might be going on?

Edit: this is the MN3007 version