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Topics - codyraptor

I think I might be missing something on this build possibly. (still considered a noob)  I ordered the OC44 transistor from Smallbear and it came stating to use 43k for R3 and 3k for R5.  I'm guessing these were the values used to bias the transistor.  Neither of these values are in the actual build and there is no R5, so I'm getting a bit confused.  Should the transistor be fine going with the madbean values...or will I need to bias the transistor again?  If so..any good instructions out there on how to go about doing that?  Thanks!!!
General Questions / Time Machine Boost clone?
December 08, 2012, 09:51:19 PM
I'm very interested in matching a Time Machine Boost with my Klone, but would like to build it in a smaller case.  I like the idea of the Rangemaster, but I like the versatility of the actual Time Machine Boost.  Anyone know of a clone build for that pedal..or if mods can be done to the Rangemaster to get the other options available? 

Hey all...Just showing my builds..not much to them as far as graphics.  However, I'm new at this, so I'm just glad they all work and actually sound great!  I'm trying to find something that stacks well with the Kingslayer.  I'm curious if a dual pedal with something like the Egghead and Fatpants in one pedal would work well?  Let me know your thoughts..also..would the Egghead work wired off the 18v out of the Fatpants?  Thanks!!!