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Topics - dodgechargerfan

Open Discussion / Point-to-Point off the charts!
January 31, 2015, 02:46:43 PM

Beautiful work and it's a fully functioning digital clock.
Open Discussion / Web based Schematic and PCB design
October 21, 2012, 01:46:56 PM
I just came across this and thought I'd share.

I haven't had a chance to give it a whirl yet, but watching the video demo is pretty encouraging.
Open Discussion / Hi!
October 13, 2012, 03:02:46 PM
I thought I should introduce myself because my first couple of posts are bids in the auctions and I can imagine the "Who is that?" thoughts.

I've poked around here off an on over the years, but decided to sign up after seeing a link about the auction on the BYOC forum.

I've built a few BYOC kits and I am just starting to branch out into other types of builds.

I'm partial to using etched PCBs at this point, but strip board doesn't scare me.
I have a few breadboards to work on as well. So, some tweaking and design is in my future. I designed and etched my own PCBs back in school and still use some of the gear (a bench power supply).

I make pedals for myself, but I have painted and assembled (I don't call that building) a couple of BYOC kits for people for a few bucks. I was very clear about what they were paying for and it worked out fine. It's not something I want to keep doing, though. I want to get deeper into the circuits and get creative there. The creative side of graphics and paint takes me months!

I have a background in electronics, but it hasn't been part of my occupation.
I took computer engineering technology in college and there was a lot of circuit design involved the electronics courses in the first two years. However, I have been on the technical sales side of networking and telecom products for about 20 years now.

I like kits because all of the parts are there and that makes it easy.
I have started stocking my parts bins though. As far as I've gotten, I have a long way to go.

Well, that's a ramble. Sorry.
I look forward to learning more and hopefully getting to the point where I can contribute.