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Topics - studiodunn

Build Reports / Pastyface and Mangler
December 20, 2020, 01:08:10 AM
Pastyface is Q3)AC125, Q2)MP42b and Q1)MP16A
Mangler is AC125 and MP42b
Build Reports / 1/8 track player in doubly
December 18, 2020, 04:04:54 PM
The ever loved 1776 echoplex jr. Nothing unique about this one other than the fact i had to cut down the switchcraft jacks to fit.
Open Discussion / What to do with low gain GE PNPs
December 15, 2020, 10:46:11 PM
I finally got around to going through my stash of 100+ germaniums and ended up with approx. 10 with 70+hfe. So now I'm brainstorming for something to do with probably 70 sub-50hfe transistors. I'm open to wild ideas so what says everyone?
Build Reports / Nom Nom Homage
December 14, 2020, 07:25:23 PM
I was already in a phaser building stint when Eddie died, so the Phase 90 got to be an homage to the master.

SMD 2N5457's came from lectric-fx  and were super easy to use and much tighter match making for a great sounding phase - ... irs-quads/

Build Reports / Shoot the moon
July 19, 2018, 11:17:22 PM
Built this for a buddy. This was actually my first order from Osh and I really dig the service, but I definitely missed having direct mount pots.

All in all a really great sounding pedal and easy to build. I gave a shout out to Culture Jam and hope my buddy digs it.


General Questions / Where to buy utlilty board
May 21, 2018, 06:40:28 PM
For some reason I recall seeing a board for sale somewhere that used this rotary switch - , but I can't find it anywhere.
Does anyone know who had these utility boards for sale?
Build Reports / Rub a dub Echoplex
May 16, 2018, 09:28:41 PM
Been awhile since I put a box together, but I neded a little something extra in a new project and......

I couldn't motivate to acid etch the box but really like the look of the laser, and it is cheap to do.
Just a basic 1776 Echoplex Jr into a home etched rub a dub board I bought here.

General Questions / Xotic RC and AC booster issues
December 20, 2017, 06:16:44 PM
A friend of mine asked me to fix these for him. They had the typical broken FS.

So I replaced the switch on the AC and tested it. The pedal wasn't working right still. The volume was low and the gain pot only made it worst when turned up.
I check voltages and they weren't right. Pin 7 was very high and the the rest weren't consistent. So I pulled the IC1 (4558D?) and replaced it with a TL072, plugged in and all is well.
Pedal fixed!

On to the RC. I start with the switch and go straight to voltages. They are off just like the AC, so I plug it in assuming it wont work - and it doesn't. No sound or adjustment at all. I replace IC1 and sound. I probe the board and have signal all the way to the jack. I A/B the probe signal with the working AC and they are the same. But still no output from the RC.
I start comparing values and continuity with the AC and the RC gain pot is only showing 39k when maxed. It should be somewhere around 547k. R5 and R6 are correct and don't test as doing anything strange. I also tested the gain pot and it is fine.

So seeing as both pedals had cooked Op Amps I'm assuming maybe they were fed too much voltage. Could I have cooked diodes as well and would that cause my gain to be stuck so low?
General Questions / Arduino help
February 02, 2017, 05:52:48 PM
I've had a couple Arduino boards for a little while and have decided to dive into one.
My needs are simple, but unfortunately so is my knowledge....or lack there of.

My idea is to build a box that can control all my amp switching needs.
In a two amp set up I would need to switch Channels, Boost & Reverb on each amp and then be able to A/B/Y the two amps. I also need to consider some sort of multi pin to 1/4" snake, as I cringe at the thought of all the cables running across a stage.

I've also toyed with the idea of putting looper into the mix so I can loop a part through one amp and then switch to the other for another layer of guitar. This would be cool, but for now I need to focus on an amp switching solution.

I'm really not even sure where to start with sourcing parts, but I'm guessing this is a bunch of relays being controlled by the Arduino.

Any help is much appreciated.
General Questions / Tube tester Builds?
June 29, 2016, 11:49:40 PM
Has anyone built or does anyone know of a schematic/Doc they could point me to?
I just need a simple tester to start going through all the tubes I have accumulated over the years.

I really don't want to drop $500 on a calibrated tester when I need to only test 8 pin Octal and 12A__ type tubes.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Deathklaw (SOLVED)
May 02, 2016, 04:44:34 PM
Hey all,

All of the sudden my deathklaw no longer has repeats/feedback. All the other functions are working, just no repeats.

Can someone point me in the right direction for troubleshooting?
Build Reports / Third times a charm
March 23, 2015, 06:56:29 PM
I decided I'd start etching this year, and finally tried my hand at it.

The A box was my first attempt.....FAIL! So thinking I was ready for another I went at the DD. It was better but crap too. But with some creative sanding it was salvaged. Now armed with a wealth of knowledge about etching ( Approx. 2 hours) I sanded down the A box and got what I was after. On to the pedals.

DD is a Rub a Dub Deluxe and Eco-plex from 1776. Nice boards, great docs and straight forward to build. I am going to put a flipper switch in, I just forgot it. Of all the random things, the "e" on the tape label didn't etch, so now it says tap, which is a great feature.....just not here  :o

The A box is a Speaker cranker layout from tagboard. I played with some values to get it a little hotter, but it's a great little dirt box.

These are my first builds using utility boards. I got these from Ben and I don't guess I'll ever build another pedal without them....AMEN!

Build Reports / Here we go again...............
January 27, 2015, 06:01:52 PM
After falling deep into the seedy world of underground pedal building in 2013, I took a year off. I had pulled myself away from the soothing woft of solder and aerosol for all of 2014 and then it happened. I was cleaning out the garage and came across the glorious surplus of supplies my OCD had led me to accumulate. Among them was a board not yet built. I started to twitch and scheme. My poor neglected 630 degree friend called out to me.............and Chunk Chunk was built.

And then mini's were built.........and now new supplies we go again!

Re-purposed multi box
left-right, (lvlark/tagboard)Cave Dweller, OCD, (madbean) Chunk Chunk

Found a stash of 1590A boxes, so...
EQD speaker Cranker and Fat Boost

Build Reports / Rigel IV
January 01, 2013, 06:12:10 PM
Happy new year all!

Just boxed this 3 in 1 yesterday. I was addicted to it for about 3 hours, so much fun with all 3 engaged.
The single note runs are so, well spacey.

Right to left:
Wolfshirt - 2n3904s
Cave Dweller

I think Kang and Kodos would approve ;)

Build Reports / Some minis
December 18, 2012, 07:45:06 PM
Merry all my buddies :)  Lucky for them I'm making way more than I can ever use.

Red Llama, Bacon Bits, Nick Greer Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch(same) Midwayfair's Bearhug, Sprout (OKF), Thunderpuss
Build Reports / Raging, egotistical, pasty faced Fat A$$
December 14, 2012, 06:38:47 PM
I just finished this box of utter Rock..........and oh does she.

Pasty Face fed by the road rage > Fatpants > flipper switch > Ego Driver - running off the 18v tap on the fat pants.

Pasty face (Sola build)  is using OC75's from Small Bear and it sounds fantastic. It is easily my favorite fuzz built to date. It sounds great for chords also and the tone knob actually works and drastically changes the character of the pedal.

Fat Pants is a great boost for the PF and Ego. It makes the PF sound FAT! With the order flipped it adds a serious sizzle and compression to the Ego.

Ego - Is all stock except for the 1N34A. I didn't have one so I socketed and just used a 4001 until I get the 34's. I also removed the LED clipping as it really didn't make a huge difference. I spent 30 minutes using several  LED types with little perceivable change. The FP in front gives it all Xtra it needs IMO.

All in all I'm pretty happy with it. I'm, a novice at this so working and sounding good are criteria I can be happy with. I do think I could be a little cleaner on the inside, but that will come.
I had it layed out to be symetrical, as my OCD would like, but changed the layout once I realized I could use the clipping switch to mount the Ego......details ;)

Thanks to all that have helped me along this path. This forum and it's members are really great.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Confused Cave Dweller
November 29, 2012, 04:54:41 PM
Cave Dweller
Checked pin 8 and 9 contacts and changed IC out twice

Seems my Cave Dweller build has decided it wants to also be a Boost/OD pedal.
The effect is way beyond unity and has some hair on it.
If I roll the guitar volume back slightly the growl subsides but the  level is still very high.

The effect was working as it should and I swapped out the hollow shaft pots for standard 16mm pots.
Can this be the cause? I've measured the pots and they are all within reason of each other, but there is an obvious correlation between new pots and angry Dweller.

So, before I swap pots again I am hoping there may be another potential area for this issue.

Pots returned to originals
All Solder joints checked
Dweller still Angry!

Tech Help - Projects Page / Pasty Face / OC75 orientation
November 28, 2012, 01:31:38 AM
Pasty Face - Sola Sound
1n34A subbed for 1n270
No output

Just got the OC 75's from SB, dashed to the garage and built the board, but I got nothing!

Are my OC75's wrong? I have them in EBC - C being the dot lead. I get the feeling I need to swap lead 1(from the left) and the middle lead, but can't seem to find a finite image or explination.


Build Reports / First multi
November 20, 2012, 06:49:14 PM
So I have built the 10 1590A boxes I started my pedal building addiction with. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment ;)

I soon realized that all those little pedals meant ALLOT of patch cables and end up being too close together on the board, and................I'm just making excuses for the next avenue of my new OCD.

My next idea is a "Genre/Guitar" particular box(s). I play in a few very different type of bands. From Country to Sludge and a lot of Straight up Rock in between.  So, I'm going to build a first box that houses a transplanted tuner, EQ and Compressor and a last box that houses Phase, Chorus and Delay. Then , Fuzz box, High gain box, MIAB, Ect..............

So the first is Cock Rock in a Box - Ube Screamer -> Runt -> Thunderpuss. Spandex & Leather graphics are in the works.
Would some of you Ninjas list some common reasons for Low output.

I've built 3 pedals now that sound great but just don't have the proper output/volume.
All three of them are usable and have "enough" volume, but they clearly are being choked somewhere.

I realize there could be 100's of reasons, but I'm just looking for a baseline cause for low output in an otherwise working circuit.
