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Topics - Bassman

So back in the day when I was younger and cooler than I am now and was gigging alot I had an old Ibanez UE400 multi effect. I liked that it was rack mountable and was quick to setup and tear down every gig. It only had 4 effects but as a bass player that was 3 too many most of the time.

I want to build something similar with more personalized effects installed but can't wrap my head around how to wire up the foot switch. What type of plug should I used for this and what wires would need to be going to and from the switches? Power/in/out and ground? I'm shooting for maybe 5 effects mostly modulating types and might try chaining them to rotary switches to swap their order somehow the same way this unit lets you. Still in the day dreaming phase but any help or ideas are very welcome. Thanks
Hi guys!  I'm back!  Some of you might remember me but it has been over 6 years since my last pedal build.  Last y'all heard I had a baby on the way and well... Between that, his mom going insane (litterally the state got involved), getting medically retired from the Navy, a divorce, a couple moves and full custody of my son later I finally have time to get back into doing some soldering lol. 

Anyhoo... This is my first build since all that went down.  I needed a small practice amp and thought what the heck why not build a ruby.  So I dug out all my old pedal supplies and soldered up that board real quick then had the idea to run the runoffgroove tonemender pedal circuit into it.  So did that and then decided for S&Gs to gut my byoc spring reverb pedal and toss it's board into the mix with a bypass switch.  So I present to you the .5w Ruby Deluxe Reverb!  This is such a cool amp!!  It sounds and reaponds very..VERY similar to a fender deluxe tube amp.  I never expected to actually like the result lol.. I was just hoping for satisfactory functionality.  So not a pedal but basically pedal circuits.  Enjoy and happy to be back soldering again.  Off to build up a bass version now  :mrgreen:

And a quick demo.  Excuse the sh*t playing on an out of tune guitar.  I just wanted to get an example of what this sounds like out there.  It is very responsive like a tube amp which is really cool.  Starts with vol at noon and gain at 0 and gets turned up from there along with the reverb tossed in and some tone movements.

Build Reports / GPCB PUFF
December 27, 2012, 04:42:37 AM
Just finished up a GuitarPCB Pump'd up Fuzz Face  :mrgreen:  This would be the first pedal that I have built start to finish in one day.  It has Ti 2N404A's and carbon comps.  I didn't have a 20K trim so I made one out of a 50K trim and a 39K resistor (really proud of myself for figuring that one out  8) ).  I'm not really a fuzz guy but I have a soft spot for the Fuzz Face so I had to build one for my chain.

Without further ado..

Build Reports / Dynamic Overdrive..
December 23, 2012, 08:55:59 PM
Just finished up a Landgraff Dynamic Overhype aka a TS808 with clipping options.  I subbed BC549's for the trannies and use an OPA2134 for the IC.  For the clipping options I used 1N914's for the Asymmetric and 2 green 3mm LEDs (didn't have any reds on hand).  I have to say I like the green LED's.

This has a very full, creamy yet slightly raw OD sound which is exactly what I was hoping for!

I kinda flubbed on the switch position (should have lowered it just slightly) but I am getting better with laying out my decals :D

Build Reports / 2 More Compressor Builds...
December 16, 2012, 05:35:48 PM
Just finished up 2 more 4-Knob Compressor builds for a couple friends.  Everything went really well until I plugged both of them in for testing.  Neither one would bypass.  One was shorting out the input tip lug on the enclosure through the heat shrink  :?  so a piece of white decal paper fixed that one up.  The other was a bit trickier but it turned out to be a badly manufactured mono jack on the output (the tip was too long and wasn't contacting the correct part of the plug).  I got that swapped out and all is right with the world.

On the upside, I now know that the audio probe I built a couple weeks ago works swimmingly :D  Found both issues with it within a minute of beginning troubleshooting   ;D

Build Reports / 4-Knob Compressor on Vero..
December 08, 2012, 03:37:18 AM
Finished this one up last week. It is a Keeley 4-knob Compressor.  The layout is from IvIark and it sounds spot on with the original.

Was a bit of a squeeze to get it into a 1590B but it all fit.  This is the first time using a pre-painted enclosure from Mammoth and I might do that again sometime.


Now I just have 2 more of these to build and ship out then I can finish up my 4 in 1 modulation station :D
Party on the outside,  Business on the inside!

I just finished up my Madbean Weener Wah build.  I had a ton of fun with this build (and a few hair pulling out moments too).  First off.. kuddos to Madbean for the awesome board!  It is very flexible and the mod options are nice.

This was my first time working with axial caps and carbon comp resistors but decided that since I had waited so long to build a wah I might as well do it up right.  In it also is a NOS 2N3565 that gave me some trouble finding the pinout for it and a Sabbadius inductor.  I also have a Whipple on order but wanted to try out this one as well and so far it sounds pretty good.

I had some trouble getting it mounted and nearly destroyed the damn thing adjusting the pins and mounting tabs to allow it to sit low enough in the case to close it up.  I also snapped the head off of one of the self tapping screws that holds the serated stick to the foot pad.  My own fault.. don't be lazy and use a power drill to drive the screws lol.  I was able to install the back screw just fine and used some Gorilla 5 min epoxy to secure the front.  It's not going anywhere  8)

I had a small issue with Q1 not seating in it's socket that gave me fits last night but I got that sorted out and now I am loving this thing!  I can't wait for my Whipple to arrive so I can pop that in here  ;)

Oh yeah... and the tread is pink... what other color goes on a Weener  :lol:

Tech Help - Projects Page / Weener Wah Troubleshooting
November 12, 2012, 03:24:30 AM
Just finished up my Weener Wah.  It fired up the first time and all was good with the world.  I decided to adjust the felt pads and went to fire it up and tweek the peak trim and I only have bypass and led when engaged.

I hadn't opened up the pedal at all from one test to the other  ???

Need some help as to where to start on this.  I'll be building up an audio probe tomorrow (should have done that a long time ago) but I have pics and Q voltages right now.

Q1 2N3565

C: 8.08
B: 0.00
E: 0.00

Q2 BC549C

C: 7.92
B: 5.20
E: 7.02

Q3 2N5457

D: 8.63
S: 1.29
G: 0.00