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Topics - ricardoruben

General Questions / Aquaboy Deluxe 2013
December 20, 2020, 06:03:28 AM

I decided to try to succesfully debug an Aquaboy Deluxe from 2013 that I have.  Back then, it didn't made any sound.
I bought a pair of BL3208B  to replace the ones that I had (I always supected that they were defective).

But I started the calibrating process and found out that there is no sound on pin3 of the IC3. And also, no sound at all on the pins 1 or 7 of the IC1. I'm quite sure that the LF353 it's bad, and I'm searching for a replacement at this moment.
I didn't put the IC4 on the board, but if I plug the pedal to an amp there is a high pitch squeal that changes with the rate pot and delay.

Is there any guide of how the voltages should be on all the ICs, so I can compare with the ones that I have?
So far i now that the pin 7 of each BBD should be in the 6-8v range. (