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Topics - CrunchBerry

Open Discussion / Boneyard Question
March 22, 2012, 02:35:46 AM
Hey all,

I have a question regarding the boneyard.  I have built a boneyard, but now have a higher pitch squealing sound when I turn the gain up much past about 50k.  It seems to sound good with the gain pot lower, then once it is turned up it squeals really badly.  It isn't like a feedback squeal, but more of a constant high pitch, annoying as hell squeal.  I touch around on the vero board and can induce new sounds or squeals, but can't seem to identify the source of this problem.  With the gain pot set low it is working, so that tells me the circuit works ok, right?  Do I need to ground the enclosure?

I have checked the connections about 10 times and everything seems to be ok.  I have checked the resistance that the circuit sees in the feedback loop, from input to output and can see the resistance change when turning the pot, so all the connections seems to be ok.

Any ideas as to what I should be looking for as an issue?  I am pretty much stumped.

Open Discussion / Boneyard PCB?
February 04, 2012, 01:01:41 AM
Hey all,

This is my first post on the forum, but I have been breadboarding some of the pedals.  I currently have a boneyard breadboarded that I would like to get into an enclosure and was wondering if anyone has a Boneyard PCB for sale or when they might be available through the website.

I am debating on building one on a vero board or etching my own, but figured I would check this route first.
