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Topics - pudabassman

Tech Help - Projects Page / Glitterrattii problem
January 02, 2012, 09:53:56 PM
first of all i want to say that its a great site and great forum,
i built a few pedals from this site and the results are great so thank you!
but i have 2 problems whit the Glitterrattii:
1. The volume is allways present even if i turn the pot all the way its allways there very quiet but still there.
2. I play bass and i have an 18v onboard preamp in it so when im in active mode the bass signal seems
to clip the Glitterrattii even if the gain is fully off, when in passive mode it is great but i normaly dont play passive.
I may be wrong, im no expert so any help will be gladly appreciated.
I checked the components twice and check the board for bridges and no luck.