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Topics - MadeByMike

Tech Help - Projects Page / Current Lover LFO stopping
January 20, 2012, 07:20:33 PM
Hi all

After boxing up my Current Lover I've realised that from a cold turn on (and if I remove the power for more than 20 seconds or so) - the LFO will not start functioning unless I turn the Bias trim from what normally allows flanging (which is all the way towards the bottom of the board) up and then back to that extreme position.

Does anyone know what might cause this? It's extremely annoying as I love the pedal be can't be tweaking the trims every time I want it to "wake up". Is there something odd about my BIas trimmer needing to be at the extreme to allow flanging?

I've heard talk of C18 needing to be messed with, but could this cause this?

It's a really odd failure type and I would appreciate all the help/advice I can get

This was a fun one, went together nicely and biased up relatively simple. A really great project and I'm very happy with the result. My decal designer whipped me up another EHX homage to match my DMM/Dirtbag

Many thanks Brian
Hi guys

So I've finished my DirtBagDeluxe (well outside of boxing it anyway) and I'm pleased to say I'm really happy with the results - the modifications to the BOM for the v3205 suggested here:

I also have TL082s in IC1,IC3 and IC8 as I only had one TL072

Here are my IC voltages for anyone who needs them after doing these mods:

Supply = 9.22V

pin1-3: 4.62
pin4: gnd
pin5-7: 4.6
pin8: 9.22

pin1: 1.30
pin2-3: 1.80
pin4: GND
pin5-6: 1.80
pin7: 7.66
pin8-9: 1.80
pin10: 6.7
pi11: 4.5
pin12: 1.80
pin14-15: 1.80
pin16: 0.7

pin1-3: 4.6
pin4: GND
pin5-7: 4.6
pin8: 9.22

pin1: GND
pin2: 4.6
pin3-4: 6.43
pin5 : 8
pin6: 4.63
pin7: 5.85
pin8: 8.17

pin1: GND
pin2: 4.63
pin3-4: 6.17
pin5 : 8.17
pin6: 4.63
pin7: 5.69
pin8: 7.94

pin1-3: 5.69
pin4: GND
pin5-7: 5.22
pin8: 9.22

pin1: 2-6 V moving
pin2: 4.61
pin3 4-5V moving
pin4: GND
pin5-6: 4.64
pin7: 4.4-4.8V moving
pin8: 9.22

pin1-3: 4.62
pin4: GND
pin5: 6.65
pin6-7: 6.72
pin8: 9.22

pin1: 4.48
pin2: 4.7
pin3: 4.79
pin4-6: 9.22
pin7-9: GND
pin10-11: 4.62
pin12: GND
pin13: 4.5
pin14: 9.22

Whew that took a while. So I think it sounds great - yes there is some background hiss when the repeats are kicking in and yes the compander does seem to snap shut a little tight when repeats do tail but after doing the bias process a few times I've managed to get it set up where delays sound nice and can also self oscillate if I want, so I'm a happy puppy.

Many thanks to all who helped especially Brian and Scruffie for the fixes, and Lacesensor and Tenwatt for doing the troubleshooting builds. It wasn't simple and I'm not proud of some of my part replacements, I just couldn't get those resistors out so had to resort to tack soldering from above, which is ugly, but there you go.

ALSO: it's picky about power. I was gutted when trying to bias it at first when daisy chaining it on my FAME desktop supply until I used a high mA output, and it's happy daisy chaining on my switched mode Diago powerstation style supply too - so make sure you have it getting plenty of juice!

Hope this is useful to folks
