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Topics - wakejyles

General Questions / Lectric FX Dandy Horse help
June 09, 2024, 06:24:42 PM
Hey all! Hopefully this is the right thread to post this, but I just finished up a Dandy Horse build and am running into some issues. Basically it seems to be working in the sense that I'm getting some modulation out of it and the modes are "functioning" enough to know that there isn't any issue there, however I'm unable to dial out any of the high pitched whine that should be dialed out with the cancel trimmer.
The cancel trimmer itself seems to only range from "super intense whine" to "somewhat subtle but still present" whine. It's the most pronounced with the trimmer set in the center, and then gradually decreases the further I turn it left or right. I'm also noticing that the gain 1 and 2 trimmers don't seem to have that pronounced of an effect, unless I max out Gain 2 I don't really hear a difference between them.

I started checking voltages and everything looks good except for the 3007s, so I suspect something is up there. On IC3 my readouts are:

10.1 (should be 7.8v)
7.7-9.5v (should be 7.5v)
8.8-9v (should be 8.4v)
8.9v (should be 8.4)

on IC4 I'm getting:
10-12v (should be 7.5v)
9v (should be 6.6v)
10 (should be 7.5v)
8.6v (should be 7.6v)
8.3v (should be 7.4v)

I've doubled checked all the resistor and cap values around the chips, reflowed everything in that area, and still can't seem to figure out what the issue is or how to get rid of the whine that's there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!