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Topics - jessenator

Working through my backlog of boards, I remembered I received this PiF from blearyeyes this last holiday, so I set to work. Sparkplug. Well, given my fixation with Fallout, the first thing that came to mind was actually Sparks from Fallout 4's Automotron DLC, but then I decided to play to type and pick an eyebot from New Vegas :P



A pre-war relic, sent from the east, detouring in Chicago before finally making its way towards Navarro: the last bastion (fight me) of the Enclave. ED-E took a .308 round cruising down through the Mojave, before being picked up by passing courier who picked it up and dropped it off at the Mojave Express office in Primm. In the hands of another, it would be repaired to working order and accompany the fated "Courier Six" on their journeys. Companion, pack mule, defender, eDog, it was the only one who never complained about the questionable actions carried out by the courier, with them until the end.

This one was comparatively spur-of-the-moment, which thankfully came out 99% as intended. I suspect one of monojack holes was milled slightly larger than the other, hence the asymmetrical protrusions. I think it just slipped over the annular ring on the input jack.

I toyed with a few enclosure color options, but when looking at Tayda's "cream", I converted the approximate Pantone to HEX and that sealed the deal: #EDE9AD I kid you not.

Thanks for looking.
General Questions / Sparkplug Sanity Check Qs
July 07, 2024, 01:04:53 AM
My brain is playing tricks on me and wanting to rather be safe and ask a dumb question than sorry, I'd like to double check:

The solid/thick line in the PCB drawing is the mounting tab (that needs to be clipped off), correct?

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General Questions / Submini DPDTs with longer pins
July 03, 2024, 03:52:22 PM
Looking to reduce footprint area on a project by using a sub-mini toggle, but have ran into issues in the past. Anyone know of a sub-mini lever toggle that has longer pins? It's a challenge to both mount it with enough threads to secure it and get a good solder joint (barely seats into the hole at all).

That's at least the case with standard PC-mount pots, anyway. Probably no issues with off-board, but I kinda want to avoid that more than I want to avoid using a regular DPDT footprint.

Open Discussion / dual OTA circuits
June 17, 2024, 03:08:52 PM
Curious about this

I'm tinkering with a couple of OTA circuits and it got me thinking:  anymore it's more economical to use the LM13700/NE5517 dual OTA chips, and just terminate one of them.

Wondering if there are circuits that can take advantage of both amps.
General Questions / stencil tack recommendations
June 07, 2024, 03:55:12 PM
I've seen a lot of products out there, e.g. from Krylon.

Is that a decent choice, or is there a better solution that (ai broken) Google search isn't showing me? Anything to recommend from experience?

Thinking about cutting stencils, since my 5W laser isn't great for much else. Gotta get my money's worth.


Edit: I guess it'd also be good to know of there area issues with a tack spray and existing finishes I should be aware of...

Most of the lives I'm seeing claim "low tack" but what does that mean in our context of finishing enclosures ourselves, or just other materials in general...
Open Discussion / wish me luck
May 12, 2024, 04:15:41 PM
My neighbor heard from my bragging wife that I make guitar pedals and after months of dragging my feet (and recovering from illness and surgery), I'm finally accepting his invite to demo for his high school guitar class. tomorrow

Never mind that some of those kids likely play better than me...  :o I'm excited and nervous.


Degenerator; Glass Hole; Fraudhacker; Pork Barrel
Runt; Mudbunny; Sardine Tin; Bumblebee

It may but be a surprise, but this is the first time I've set up a pedal board. Borrowed the physical board from a friend, along with a few pedals that I didn't have ready (Pork Barrel, Runt, and Mudbunny). I've got a good assortment, I think. about all I can fit! I wanted to put a Moodring after the Degenerator and a cupcake at the front...

Hopefully the signal chain is what it should be. I'll welcome any feedback that may come in the next 12 hours  :P

I recently got a v1 (not v1.1) squishy octopus PCB from a pif courtesy of Barry and was wondering if anyone had the original v1 build doc for it. The v1.1 is still up, but the BOM and board layout appear to have differences. Didn't get anywhere on the wayback machine.

I'm not familiar with GPCB's builds in general, so I don't feel like winging it. If someone knows I don't need it, I'd appreciate a sanity check/direction.

Shout out to Brian for keeping a dedicated archive of everything he's ever made in easy-to-find locations  8)
General Questions / Cupcake biasing
April 11, 2024, 10:37:31 PM
So I've got my Cupcake working, but in biasing I'm not able to get over 980mV.

I've got a 10k trimmer, but using MMBFJ201s instead of 5457s. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.

awkward shadows and rosin residue, not burn marks
Open Discussion / non-conductive hardware mounting
February 11, 2024, 07:05:38 PM
So this came out of observing a recent troubleshooting thread, but it's made me wonder: why do components like 9mm pots have "pads" where the metal spring-lite clasps mount to to the PCB?

Why is it metalized? Can it just be a drill in the gerbers with no pad? I suppose structural strength, but then again, fiberglass or whatever resin compound it's made from isn't exactly flimsy.

Just something I've wondered about.

In other applications it could be a grounding point, but if there's no conductivity, ground included, then why?
So I'm looking at this board of the Electra Distortion 500D / Mysto Dysto /  Boston / Nadine's etc. Not sure of these diodes, but they are of Japanese make I'm guessing (based on the origin of the board used in those pedals). I know old soviet germaniums are reversed, but don't know about 1980s JDM fare. Is it safe to say the blue band is the cathode?,t_supersize/v1692070464/qvskslkl74w2but2qdfx.jpg

I'm planning on following the advice of the FSB post breaking down the Mysto Dysto, and putting in some 4148s, unless anyone has a better suggestion :)

Build Reports / The (un)Original Gangster
December 16, 2023, 06:10:18 AM
You wake up from a blackout

Your hands are tied

Your kidnappers look down

One in a fancy checkered suit addresses you directly

"You've made your last delivery kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."

A 9mm bullet pierces your skull

Fade to black

Benny is a prime archetype of stolen valor; usurping the leader of the Mojave Boot-Riders, he gladly suckled the milk of Mr. House's 'kindness' in order to escape a life of raiding and hard survival. Little did House know his erstwhile protege would be plotting to take the throne of New Vegas for himself.

This is a modified OD-1 by way of the Clark Gainster. I started with Boss' rev 2 schematic and took what I wanted from the latter ...except that 2W resistor. Maybe someone smarted can tell me why that's in the Gainster's BOM. Added a few other alterations care of TheWinterSoldier and jwin615.

There's a bit of character from this circuit I don't get from an SD-1. In the tinkering process on the breadboard, I originally intended the single diode in the asymmetrical clipping section to be a red LED. When I finally got around do making a proper build, I thought to test the combo one more time. The LED had a strange low-frequency sizzle that I both hadn't noticed before and didn't care for, so I opted for three 1N914s in the end. I'm quite satisfied with the tone.

LINT. LINT EVERYWHERE! I live in a very dry climate, and with winter on, so too is the forced air furnace. No matter how I tried, I could not get all the lint off. The main photo was touched up ONLY so it didn't look like printing errors. I think the glossy black doesn't help. Maybe matte black is in order next time.

Speaking of errors... I opted for the enclosure masking service, and while it did leave the inside free of overspray, there was one section which got missed or inadequate powder coating. Also, it's not apparent in the photos, but there was some weird surface level scratches/scuff patch, which was very odd, but again, thankfully not blatant in the photos.

On the plus side, I can confirm that adjusting the tint percentage of the RDG_WHITE spot color in Illustrator nets a decent grayscale. As with most things, your mileage may vary.

I'm working on upping my wiring game. Still using pre-bond stranded wire from Small Bear, but maybe I'll try solid, even if it is brutally unforgiving. Who knows.

As always, thanks for looking.
General Questions / Electra Distortion 500D schematic
December 14, 2023, 06:54:18 AM
I spent a bit of time this evening searching for the 500D schematic (3-knob), and all I'm seeing are 1 or maybe 2 knob versions.

I'm wondering if this one is somewhere between the classic simple boost schematic and Beavis Audio's Trostsky drive (subbing a pot for the bright cut switch). Any thoughts?

Open Discussion / end of year zoom call?
December 06, 2023, 01:15:46 AM
I swear I saw something about this not long ago, but I can't seem to find it in search *shrug*

Was that going to happen this year?  :)
Open Discussion / Fallout Prime Series Teaser
December 03, 2023, 02:42:43 AM
I am ...tentatively optimistic. Much better looking in the teaser than I was expecting. Interesting they're going for the F4 style (at least with Goggin's character) and smoothest ghoul I've ever seen ;D but it looks good and is showrun by the same guy who did Westworld. Maybe there will be other, more necrotic looking ones.

Open Discussion / consigning locally
November 27, 2023, 05:23:44 PM
So I've gotten to the point where I need to liquidate a few of the pedals I've done over the last couple of years. I suppose that this is a touchy subject and what I'm really looking for is not a way to inside trade to compete, so to speak, but more just if anyone has had luck or any pointers for a first-timer to consign to a local music shop, or other best way.

I'd post them here or pedalpcb forum, but we're all DIYers, and I figure if there's something we want, we build it :P

anyhow, some suggestions would be appreciated; whether that's ad listing language do's and don't's, or whatever.
Noticed this while spec pricing my next order, but it looks like Tayda now offers printing services for all sides on 1590B, 1590N1/125B, and 1590BB enclosures (including the 'lid')

As of writing it doesn't look like the downloadable art templates reflect the additional spaces for the sides, but the dimensions are listed on the cart item for each additional side printing. Would be good to know which orientation art needs to be submitted with, but I might I email so I emailed them about that as well as to clarify if one needs to order a uv-gloss item for each side, or if it's just per job.

Pretty neat, though.
General Questions / Harbinger 1.5 - no modulation
September 02, 2023, 02:35:24 AM
Another one of my "started sometime early last year" projects comes back to bite me.

So I've got it built for 9V operation, the lamp is illuminating controlled by the rate, and affected by the two trimmers, and the volume control works on the signal while engaged. I can "hear" the pulsation —albeit incredibly subtly— of the lamp when I bridge the end of an input lead, but no actual modulation is taking place on an audio signal—other than the volume adjustment working, it sounds otherwise completely clean.

No solder bridges I can see.

I could just start probing, but if anyone has insights as to where to start, I'd be much obliged! Thanks.

edit: the shield is taped on—I made a dum dum and soldered (and now clipped) the wire holding it in place before actually testing, so I clipped it off to make sure the lamp worked  :/
Like the title says...

Have an old Dimo Organizer 1610 maker that did BRILLIANTLY with the OG label tape that was left in it. Bought some replacement tape off Beezosville and it's just utter CRAP. The tape brand is "Weemay" which stands for "We May have made this as cheap as possible; GUESS WHAT? WE DID!". I mean, the box had several colors and several rolls of black, but ...

No or just crap adhesion, it gets caught in the channel causing letters to overlap, and you have to squeeze juuuuuust so to get it to both emboss the letter right and NOT get it stuck in the machine. Squeeze too light, NO letter. Squeeze too hard, and welp, it's stuck in there now.

Build Reports / Dragunn Thlayur
August 07, 2023, 01:00:08 AM
Here it is, the penultimate build of laser-etched enclosures, the mighty DRAGUNN THLAYUR!

This one took far too long, and while it's quite imperfect looking, I love its sound. I built the hand-etched board Bean offered up a while back and he was generous enough to throw in some tropical fish mojo and some other goodies. I ended up going with a 2N3565 for Q2 instead of the 2N2222. I liked the meaty growl it makes.

Being me, I had to over-complicate things :P It was a miracle that my enclosure fit everything in it, but here it is. Made some rookie mistakes, but again, I'm spoiled by CNC precision and my hand-done stuff has suffered.

Also, you might notice I don't have a straight-on shot of it, but there's a good reason. IDK if it was this green paint (being burned away) or what, but the bare aluminum underneath didn't turn out as bright, even with the same scrub down the others got. Same primer as the others, too. It just ended up creating a weird moire effect, which actually isn't that bad to the naked eye, but the camera really amplifies the effect.

Thanks for looking.
Build Reports / Busy Little (procrastinated) Bee
July 31, 2023, 03:39:08 AM
Here's number two in the paint-laser-etch series, the first project I assembled* after coming back to DIY! The Madbean Bumblebee!

Went with some soviet era P416A germs in this one instead of tracking down OC75s. I had another set (GT108G) I didn't even try, oddly enough, mostly because the leads were so thin they didn't seat in the sockets. No idea what I'll do with those.

Overall I like the sound and it's slightly more nuanced than a good ol' two-transistor fuzz where your tone options are "just crank it" to get something usable.

Forgive the paint mishaps.

*this was originally wired over a year ago with ...whatever I had sitting around and looked like absolute trash, so like the DTTK prototype I shipped on to a friend, I went back through this one with some new wire, and thinkfully the wiring looks much better in this one. Though I wish I could have been a little less Peter Parker prom night with securing the germs in there. The main reason for the delay was that I wanted to wait until I had my ideal enclosure design, even though I went headlong into the drill phase. Even with its imperfections, it's more or less what I intended, and since it was going to be a project for myself, the fit and finish didn't need to be perfect.

Also like the DTTK prototype, I painted the enclosure with the holes were pre-drilled and somehow, the pot stem holes were actually spot on, but the LED hole I must've punched off-center, still the bee buzzes :)

Another tell-tale that this was my first foray in a decade is the soldered charge pump  :/  at least I've learned that much.

Thanks for looking.