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Topics - HousTom

Build Reports / Get On the TourBus
July 25, 2022, 10:25:57 PM
About as difficult as they come. Quite a few challenges. I built "Classic Style". End result? It works and sounds really good, especially the modulation.

Suggest read the build doc carefully before even beginning. Grok the PGE thing. Pay super close attention to capacitor dimensions. Make sure the SPDT switch is a "sub-mini". Consider an OPA2134 or something in IC1 because that op-amp is on even when the pedal is off (there is a TB wiring option). Love the top-mounted jacks. The doc is good; in particular the chart of IC pin voltages was great to have.

Calibration (by ear) process was not too bad. Sweet how all the trimmers are right up top! You do need an audio probe setup and having a looper pedal as source was invaluable. Ultimately, I was never able to completely eliminate all whine and crunchiness from the delayed signal (TP2-4) at max delay even with C31 under 200pF (max delay at that point is <400ms). However, it seems there's filtering after the BBDs to mute most of the whine, and the crunchiness is just what you get at long analog delays so I eventually resolved that I could live with a little noise at ~550ms in exchange for a relatively clean delay signal at ~450ms which is where I like my delay set.  I really advise socketing C31 which controls the clock speed (there's no trimmer) and, as the doc says, make sure the DELAY pot is dead on 100K. I spent 2 days auditioning different values in C31 from 180pF to 340pf and finally settled at 263pF. For me this resulted in a clock period of 126uS at Max Delay (pin 10 on the 4047) and a Clock Range of 7.78kHz Max Delay 75.25kHz Min (pin 2 on the 3005s). Actual Max Delay is ~520ms.

This was Challenging and Fun and Educational to build. Nice feeling of accomplishment. Cold honesty though, I'm probably going to buy the new EHX Nano DMM which for around $200 runs on 9V and has a slide-switch for the True Bypass option.
Build Reports / Collosalus 22
July 21, 2022, 01:14:10 AM
Nothing too exciting to report here other than 'Hey look - I did a thing'. Doc was good, layout was very good, overall build was not too challenging and calibration was a breeze; easier than some others. Absolutely dead silent - no thumping or chirping. So kudos on that and I'm so glad Madbean brought the MXR circuit back.

Kind of a bummer that it needs 18v. Honestly that will probably keep it off my board despite it sounding really good.

Sonically the Current Lover (Mistress) seems edgy, bright and colorful, the Flintlock (A/DA) is very warm and smooth, and the Collosalus is somewhere in between them. Quieter than both. The controls operate like the A/DA -- Width and Manual interact.

TourBus is on the bench.
Build Reports / Aion Blueshift (Dimension-C)
March 14, 2022, 05:33:19 AM
I feel like I've weathered a DIY pedal-building rite of passage. The Blueshift is done and it works.

Took about 10 hours not counting the parts sourcing which was a couple of hours just for that. This thing has 100 resistors, 65 capacitors of 5 DIFFERENT TYPES, a dozen xistors, a dozen ICs and is built on TWO packed PCBs which are then physically married to each other via headers all fitting into a 125B with paper-thin tolerance. I feel like PATIENCE was the ultimate reason for my success. I literally triple-tested every component I could before soldering knowing that the likelihood of me resurrecting a DOA on this build is near zero. A few challenges were the physical size of my Tayda 1u box caps (too "fat" for the PCB but managed to squeeze in) and a horrible roaring buzzz when I finally powered it up that thankfully turned out to just be the compander ICs installed backwards in their sockets (oops). Waiting on my Alibaba $25 DSO to fine-calibrate but really happy to have a new and unique modulation flavor and just to have this under my belt.
Build Reports / Current Lover
February 26, 2022, 05:42:43 AM
I seldom post my builds, but then again, they seldom turn out this well.   ;)
Not a quick or easy build but well documented and straightforward. Seems like with these bigger ones the best approach is to just be patient -- you're not gonna build it in one sitting. When first powered up there was no flanging so I had a small heart attack, but turns out if the "BIAS" trimmer isn't in the sweet spot you get signal but no effect. So that was a non-issue. Wife's "Cricut" machine made the logo.

I also recently built the Lectrik-FX Flintlock (ADA clone) and it's even more complex with a tricky calibration required. Next up is the Aion Dimension-C. That looks like a beast.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Dragonbeard Trim Pot
February 14, 2021, 07:59:19 AM
That 9mm 1k B pot...

Is it this?
Or this?

Cuz the build doc has a hyperlink to this (which I think is wrong).
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be this.

Anyone who's built it could answer.  It's either A) I'm dumb or B) the build-doc has a typo.  Thanks.