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Topics - rmfx

Howdy. Buddy of mine wanted a FuzzFace and Electric Mistress in the same box. "No problem".

Made a fuzz face, works great. Made the Current Lover. Got it calibrated and dialed in, sounds phenomenal.

Put them both in the box, each one works nicely on their own, but together they are completely unusable. Very noisy, tone changes significantly, LFO pulsing/ticking. Tried recalibrating the CL a few times and while I could get ~some~ of the noise and ticking to reduce, I would still say they are unusable together.

Tested voltages on ICs compared to what is in build docs. They are close, so that shouldn't be a problem. Grounds are all connected. Sharing power from the same DC jack, maybe it's worth testing them with isolated power.

Any ideas? Know something that I don't? Need more info?