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Topics - Jay

Hey all, hoping someone could check my work real quick here and make sure it'll be ok before I send it off to fabrication. It's a benson pre-amp based on the pedal pcb schematic. I modified the parts connected to the potentiometer. He had a 2 meg dual gang pot in there bc apparently a 2meg log pot is hard for some to find. I made changes so it should keep the tone stack on that pot (bass control) and just use a 1M linear. Basically I halved the resistor values and doubled the cap values around the pot.

Build Reports / A couple recent builds
June 05, 2024, 10:51:53 PM
I've been playing around with UV prints and have been learning a bunch about that side of the hobby. Really enjoying it so far.

The most recent is from aion fix and with the help of a forum member here I got it up and running today. It's their megalith which is a box of rock and a distortron in a single box. Has switchable gain levels and a sub control (low frequency manipulation) and an internal order switch for boost before or after distortion. Pretty cool pedal.

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Tech Help - Projects Page / Box of rock help plz
June 04, 2024, 07:38:20 PM
Hi all working on the aion megalith. No sound coming out of either channel. And the signal seems to stop after the transistors on both sides.

I have audio probed the circuit and found that there is signal coming off the gate of both q1 and q4, but at the pots nothing.
The first odd thing I have noticed is that the gain pot will emit some sound on pin 3 if the pot is turned all the way down. No such luck on the drive level.
The second odd thing is that I don't hear any signal on r3 at all, but that goes to 9v (i'm not sure if no signal is ok there, but it gets to the transistor).

I've replace R3 just in case, and the same thing happens, no signal there.

Any ideas on what to check next? Attaching the schematic so you don't have to dig for it.

General Questions / Schematic questions
October 12, 2022, 02:30:35 PM
Question on an aion fx schematic about some labels and what they mean.

It's for a rangemaster. VA, -VA and pwr_gnd.

I've googled it and VA came up with "A volt-ampere (VA) is a measurement of power in a direct current (DC) electrical circuit." I'm not sure how to translate that to english or eagle lol.

And power ground doesn't really return anything useful. Maybe ya'll would have some better answers for a newb?

Everything works but the gain knob. Volume adjusts the volume, tone adjusts the tone, the gain pot does nothing.
Anyone have any ideas as to why?

Name of the circuit = TS8 (oh) 8

No modifications to the circuit and no parts substitutions.

C = 8.43
B = 3.54
E =3.14

C= 8.43
B= 3.54
E= 3.14

1= 4.20
2= 4.20
3= 4.20
4= 0
5= 4.20
6= 4.22
8= 8.43

Open Discussion / Pigbutt 2015 vs 2019
October 28, 2020, 05:09:09 PM
Are there any differences sound wise between these two or is the pcb just updated?

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General Questions / Big muff clone no sound
October 07, 2020, 02:47:54 AM
I've been working on a big muff from and am not getting any sound. I've audio probed it and am getting sound to C12 to the base of Q4 but not c13. I've replaced c13 and have the same issue. I've reflowed solder as well around that whole section to no avail.
I don't get sound to any other pin than the base of Q4. Should I be getting sound to either of those pins?

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General Questions / Queen of bone troubleshooting
September 30, 2020, 08:56:51 PM
Hey guys/gals,

Been pondering this all afternoon. Went home for a quick lunch. Decided I hadn't tried my QoB since I got my test box working and found that it works.
Sort of.

Only works with both foot switches engaged.
Any thoughts off the top of anyone's head why that would be? I didn't get a chance to do much in the way of troubleshooting. But thought if someone had a quick thought of where to start on that one it would be appreciated.

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General Questions / Op amp substitution
September 23, 2020, 01:46:42 AM
I'd like to sub a TL072 for a 4558. Don't have any 4558 on hand. The pinouts look compatible. One question I do have is that in the build docs it shows what Voltage I should expect at each pin for the 4558. Would the voltage be similar for the TL072? Or completely different?

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General Questions / Power problems
September 21, 2020, 10:52:25 PM
Can anyone help shed some light on this?
I've not been able to get a 9v readout on anything.

What I have tried:
Multimeter setting

Four different sets of leads
1 set with a brand new multimeter I ordered just in case mine was bad. (Same readings for both)

Measuring at the DC Jack:
Get around 4v at the pins.
Different jacks. Some tayda and some lumburg that I just ordered from

A bunch of different power supplies.

Is there something I'm missing?
I get nearly nothing to any board that I have wired up including one I verified working prior to all this madness.

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Open Discussion / Geofx
September 14, 2020, 04:04:42 PM
Anyone know what urls are available for this? I'd like to as a personal project rebuild it in a Vue application. I probably won't host it. And if I did it would be with permission. But mostly just to get back into Vue applications (I program in react for anyone who knows what I'm talking about :-) )

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General Questions / Pots and testing pcbs
September 12, 2020, 10:21:58 PM
Possibly silly question.
Do you need to have the potentiometers soldered in to test a pedal?

Part of me thinks yes, because not having them leaves a gap in the circuit.

Part of me says no, it just will play as if all the controls are maxed out.

School me please!

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Open Discussion / Amp ohm mismatch
August 27, 2020, 10:55:06 AM
I got a a new amp. Didn't check the rating.  It's a 16ohm 4 watt head. And an 8 ohm cab rated for 30w. Will this damage anything?

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I'd like to split the input signal from the guitar with this

How do I put them back together? I've seen mixer layouts, but what if I just want to combine the signals without mixing? Is there an easy way to do this? I don't want pots for the mixer I've seen.

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Built a metal oxide fuzz (diy guitar pedals Australia ) last night. Has an unintended octave. Common reasons that this might happen?

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General Questions / Vero split usable?
July 12, 2019, 03:25:34 AM
I'm guessing no. Just confirming that's the case.

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I was gifted this lovely board. However the previous owner had no build doc for it. Anyone happen to have one/ know where I can find it? My google searches were unsuccessful.

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Hello, hopefully this is the correct place for this! I'm currently learning this whole Eagle schematic and pcb creation workflow. Was hoping for some pointers if possible. I'll attach a pic of my schematic and layout so far. I just placed the parts, I have a feeling they could be better arranged, but I'll consider this my first draft. I'm definitely open to any constructive criticism.

For reference I have been using this guide (not related to pedals at all)

This is the schematic I am practicing with:

I stopped at Routing the Board in the second link before I started routing things.

My initial questions are:
1. Can anyone point me to pedal specific tutorials in Eagle?
2. What can I best do to optimize my current PCB layout?

Thanks in advance Gents and Ladies


Tech Help - Projects Page / 8-ball just buzzes
February 18, 2019, 11:38:04 PM
Hello all. My second project is an 8-ball. Having some issues. Rocking before boxing has been followed. The pedal won't pass a bypass signal. When turned on passes a nasty hum and some audio signal from the guitar. Being new. I'm sort of stuck.
Things that I have verified and checked:

Both guitar cables work when plugged directly into the amp.

I did find I had the one IC in backwards. No progress.

Values at the pins are added as an image below.  Along with the voltage coming in at the board from the power supply.

Note: these are definitely off from the build guide values listed. Also included as an image for reference so you don't have to go searching for those values.

Also I am having the exact same problem with another build. (Swedish chainsaw) so maybe it's my test rig?

Test rig (led not hooked up)

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It says 1n 100n and 200n. Is this nf? Searched and couldn't come up with an answer.

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