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Topics - skypn

General Questions / Distortion Problems
June 04, 2024, 03:52:23 PM
Consider this schematic:

When I run a 125hz signal from my computer through the pedal and output it to my computer speakers, it sounds oh so wonderfully dirty, yet sweet ;D . Pot 1 gives it a great range of "dirts". Pot 2 doesn't add so much volume, as it adds flavor.
But when I run a six sting through it, still through the computer speakers, whenever I turn POT1 up pass 10:30ish, it starts to squeal. Pot 2 does little but change the squeal's threshold. Before that, it still sounds cool. If I had to guess, I would take a stab in the dark and guess maybe to play around with the values of POT1, and C2. or swap transistors, maybe.
What do you guys think are the usaul suspects?
General Questions / interfet 2N5484 Pinout
May 08, 2024, 02:57:55 PM
I'm confused. consider this potion of the data sheet:

That is my guess of the pinout. Where this potion:

leads me to believe I've got it backwards.
please help
General Questions / PCB Design Basics
May 02, 2024, 10:52:32 PM
Ok, I'm getting kinda close to figuring out parts layout.
While studying a few of Madbeans layouts, I have noticed the clustering of resistors, diodes, even caps. Are these clusters designed solely by trial and error, or are they laid out by principles that one can learn, and even follow, to better their layouts.
If the later proves to be the case, would one please point me to the proper reference materials. If the former proves to be the case, cross you fingers 8)
General Questions / Transistor Question
April 22, 2024, 06:28:47 PM
Consider this schematic.

 If one mistakenly installed a 1K resistor instead of an 100K for R4, what are the odds that would result in damage to Q1?
General Questions / PCB Design Software
January 16, 2024, 04:43:20 PM
I just got a new Win11 computer, and I'm starting to install the software. I have been using Eagle in Win7 (wait for laughter to die down). I know Eagle's gone in '26. I have been thinking of jumping ship and going with a freeware like KiCad. My hesitation is i have spent HOURS customizing parts in Eagle. There will be a learning curve for Fusion 360, so I guess to make a long question short...
What software do you guys use? 
General Questions / Fuzz Face Volume Problems
December 08, 2023, 11:36:13 AM
In reference to the pedal I recently built:

Consider this schematic:

NOTE: Q2 is missed labeled. It is really a 2N2222.

This is my problem. I get a noticeable drop in vol when I turn on the effect, and hardly any response at all, either vol or fuzz, unless the guitar is cranked up. But when it is cranked, it sounds great.
Now I've only been doing this stuff a couple years, and so far I've only been "painting by numbers", and am slowly learning what effect each part makes on the sound.
If I had to guess, I would say maybe adjust the value/taper of the 500KA vol pot, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
Any ideas will be helpful, and as always, TIA
Build Reports / The Chocolate Fuzz
November 13, 2023, 03:45:49 PM
It's been a while since I finished a pedal. This is the Chocolate Fuzz, built on our old friend the Fuzz Face. I have modded it to be a bit more Bass friendly.



And the side no ones gets to see

General Questions / Source for Quality Blank PCB
August 10, 2023, 08:51:37 PM
I'm guessing the big smiling "A" isn't it. I welcome your opinions.
General Questions / Germanium Fuzz Pedal
August 02, 2023, 10:55:44 PM
I'm going to try my hand at a germanium fuzz. I found the ElectrSmash site, and have decided to (kinda) emulate that.
There is just one problem for me, this paragraph:

Only using a 9V battery, no external power supply: The original Fuzz Face using PNP transistors uses "positive ground" that means that the input and output jack are referenced to 9V (instead of ground). You can plug it to your pedalboard or amp without any problems BUT if you use a daisy chain or non-isolated power supply to power it, they will create a short. The best way to avoid conflicts is just to use a 9V battery, the low power consumption of this effect (2.5mA) will make your battery last for very long.

I consider myself only a seasoned newb to this stuff.
I can't visualize/understand the DC itself shorting, if neg is connected to the spot in the schematic that denotes neg, and then pos, to pos. *note* I use plastic dc jacks.
Is he saying the 1/4" guitar patch cords may/will short? i.e. the practice of using a stereo jack on input as a switch? I thought the input/output caps were there to filter dc from the i/o and prevent that.
And if the 1/4 will short, then what difference would the power source  itself make, if the ped was in an audio daisy chain?
Would insulating the jacks from the box have any effect this?

I feel this is a concept I should *fully* understand, and thank you all in advance for any insight.
General Questions / Fuzz Face Feedback
April 07, 2023, 08:54:11 AM
I modded a FF with a bigger input cap for Bass. I loaned it to a 6 string friend of mine who wanted to check it out. He found he got a hint of feedback if the gain went past 1/2 way.
Here is the schematic:
Do you guys think maybe it's transistor bias? I'm still kinda a newbie, so I'm not sure where is start.
General Questions / Slurpie Input Resistor Question
January 31, 2023, 12:03:29 PM
I've been comparing the schematics of the EH Bassballs and the Slurpee. I noticed a 2.2M connected from input to ground. the other end is connected to a circle with the word pin inside it. The other circle with a pin inside on the schematic is connected to ground. Does that imply that both ends of the 2.2m is connected to ground? and the input also. i don't know a lot, yet, but this doesn't make sense to me.
General Questions / ATX PS mod for Workbench
January 13, 2023, 10:35:54 AM
I have a scrap computer I need to off, and see I see a lot of yt vids on this. Has any here did this? is it worth it?
General Questions / Popped My 1st Cap :(
January 12, 2023, 02:14:08 PM
Like breaking a Bass guitar string, it was a draw changing experience :o.
The circuit is an Onyehn XR2206 Function Gen Kit
Wow. As I was writing this post to ask how to proceed, the cause hit me like a ton of bricks.
Don't use a pedal wall wart to power other projects :(
I guess now I need to change the cap, find a different PS, and see if I cooked it ::).
Before I begin, is there any considerations I need to know about?
General Questions / Bazz Fuss Mod
January 04, 2023, 06:51:26 PM
I am currently working on a Bazz Fuss w/gain for a friend. He wondered if it could be modded to allow varying degrees of fuzz, like a Fuzz Face. I'm still new to this, so I'm afraid it might be beyond my pay grade. I know it can't be as simple as just adding a pot and cap between to the transistor and ground. First, I couldn't be that lucky, and second, the FF has two trans instead of one like the BF, so where would I connect it.
General Questions / Molex Connectors
December 08, 2022, 04:04:11 PM
Does anyone here have experience with Molex? My pedal designs consist of a main board, and a 3PDT daughter board. I often find that to troubleshoot I need to remove one board from another. I thought Molex would be a solution to avoid de-soldering wires. I want to make my own custom lengths. I've been researching, and the problem I keep running into is how do I know for sure that the end I crimp on my wires will mate with the socket I solder to my boards.
I need 4 connectors, and the socket that gets soldered on the the boards has to be at 90*, for height.
Build Reports / Latest Atempt, Red Lama Clone
July 24, 2022, 03:40:02 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, The latest from Nelson Audio, The Blue Bull'z:

This is my third pedal.  In an effort to make this process "Skyp Proof", I changed the way I make PCB's, and tried a different top coat/ sealant ( thx to jimilee).
At least it sounds better than it looks ;) 8)
I am very confidant that with a little practice, they will look better.
Thanks to all who have helped me along the way.
General Questions / 3PDT Switch in Eagle
June 26, 2022, 06:12:44 PM
I didn't know where to start to find my answer, so I started here. TIA.
Consider these pics:
3PDT schemeatic

The board in Eagle. Note the highlighted nets.

I don't understand why A1/A2 and C1/C2 are connected.
I strongly suspect its something I did, as B1/B2 aren't connected.

I welcome any help.
General Questions / Scopes and Pedal Building
March 18, 2022, 08:54:31 AM
Figured I would start here. I was recently given an old Tektronix 453 scope. I know very little about scopes. I have found some basic info on how to use them in general. Where can I find info on how to use them in pedal building specificity?
Side bar: the first thing I am going to try and do is to id an unknown inductor using an LC circuit and function generator.
General Questions / Ground Planes
February 20, 2022, 07:00:28 PM
Do they help. Should I try and incorporate them in my designs, and are they ever harmful? I make my boards by isolation routing on an CNC mill, so there is a whole LOT of copper left sitting there ;).
General Questions / Slurpee Schematic Question
February 12, 2022, 09:42:43 AM
I'm looking over the schematic and I just can't figure out what the symbols "pin" and "LC" mean as far as connections. I understand VB, VC, IN, OUT. Are all the "pin"s connected? Then I'm lost seeing one of the "pin"s is connected directly to ground, making no sense (to me) for R1.