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Topics - Zerstorte Zelle

General Questions / Zener for imp v2
October 13, 2021, 12:56:29 PM
Hi all,

Ordering the parts for the imp v2 and wondering if a different voltage zener could be subbed. small bear looking like only 8.2v and 12v available.

any recommendations?

I was wondering if I used an On / Off / On switch for clipping on the new version slow loris if I will still retain the functionality of the previous versions. "Center off"

Build Reports / The Mishegas Box
May 23, 2013, 01:58:30 PM
A producer friend of mine asked if I could build him a pedalboard for his Pro Tools rig. Just finished this last week. Pretty happy with the way it turned out.

"The Mishegas Box." Hammertone green 2U rack with four effects and one effects loop with reamp & di in/out/through as well as 1/4 input etc etc. Jensen transformer. The only issue is now I want to build myself one.

High whine present in my last of 3 wolf shirt builds while the other two are fine. You can even hear it slightly when the effect is bypassed.

What gives?

General Questions / Stereo Nautilus
March 27, 2013, 03:45:15 PM
Is it possible?

A buddy of mine wants me to build him a stereo nautilus but with only one set of controls. Do i need two boards wired to a 4pdt and split wiring to the pots or is there a mod i could do to make one board run stereo? I'm thinking I am missing something logistically here.

any thoughts here?

I've been working on all sorts of projects but 2012 was a busy year. Here for your general perusal however are some builds from last year.



Green Bean:

Mangler BC108 silicon:

Wolfshirt with Octave footswitch:

Slow Loris:


General Questions / Ribbon Cable Interference?
March 15, 2013, 09:08:09 PM
Wondering if anybody here has had noise issues using ribbon cable for off board wiring? I'm thinking of tossing some onto my next mammoth order. I figure it should streamline things some.

Thoughts on the Chandler stuff they have would help too.

Rock it,
Hey All,

I know there have been some recent multi-effect all in ones built and was just wondering how the powering is working out. I am thinking of building a 4 in one drive effect and just looking for any suggestions on the power. Do you think one 9v happily power a zombie / karate shop / slow loris / darkside? I'd love to keep the external power stuff to a minimum.

Hey all.

Just built a Green Bean without the "Bright" switch. 1N270 in the asymmetrical and 3mm LEDs in the Symmetrical diode spots. with an ON/OFF/ON comp switch.

The 1N270 are significantly lower output. Almost off and fairly useless. It sounds like there is a little fizz underneath some clean but pretty low.

Both LED and No Clipping options are much louder but not a wild amount of gain on tap ( or rather drive ) but plenty of volume in those two settings. Op Amp is JRC4558D. I don't have a tube screamer on hand to compare but it's not blowing me away right now. I remember the sound a bit differently. Anyone have any opinions?


Tech Help - Projects Page / Darkside R4 question
June 25, 2012, 10:16:01 PM
No 200k resistors on hand. anyone see an issue swapping in a 220k or a 180k ?

Would I be correct in saying the Firebomb has an input impedance of 10Meg/ohm?

Hey all,

Trying to build a mangler with ac128's and failing hard. Couldn't get a 20k trimmer but popped a 50k in there. Biases right to 4.5v and everything. looks like I'm all wired up proper too. plug it in and the led lights and it passes audio but the knobs do very little, no fuzz at all and the sound is akin to quiet icepicks.

nothing like functional.

any thoughts?

General Questions / zombii drill layout
February 05, 2012, 09:42:17 PM
anyone point me at it ?


Tech Help - Projects Page / Dirtbag Biasing/Chip issues
January 30, 2012, 05:25:10 PM
Finished a build of a V3205 Dirtbag deluxe a few days ago and for a bit there everything was sounding good. I was quite impressed with the quality and did prefer it over my diamond memory lane 2 (if you can believe it, the repeats blend better.)

All gravy until...

The effect doesn't do anything one day. LED lit, volume responding but no repeats and certainly no lovely lovely oscillation or feedback. Thinking maybe some of my off board wiring ( pots jacks switch ) were to blame i redid all of it taking the utmost care. Plug it back in get the probe out and what I found is this.

IC4 Pin 3 Biases in and I have repeats. I can hear some noise in the background...hiss and what not but nothing crazy.

Moving on to IC5 Pin 3 and the only thing audible is a really high pitched whistle. Upon checking Pin 7 there is signal and it sounds like a slightly lower fidelity version of IC4 Pin 3. I imagine that means that everything is cool until that point.

What's the deal? do I have a dead chip or something worse?
