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Topics - cpip


Just wired up the kingslayer and I only hear signal if i play my guitar really hard. (Note: due to not having the right parts, C15 is using a 3n3 cap instead of 3n9- i can't imagine this is the issue though...)

My IC values look really wrong... Is it possible my IC1 is faulty?

IC1: 2v, 2v, 1.6v, .7v, 300mv, 330mv, 7.5v, 8.18v
IC2: .8v, 65mv, 0v, .71v, 0v, 68mv, .8v, 8.18v
IC3: 3.7mv, 0v, 0v, 1.2v, .7v, .64v, 1.25v, 8.18v
onespot: 9.35v

Any ideas what could be wrong?

I'm working on the kingslayer right now (2nd build ever..!) and I don't have a 422k Resistor for R10, but I do have a 430k resistor. What will this effect? does it matter if i use the 430, instead?
