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Topics - Flock of Bees

General Questions / Aion Refractor Volume
January 25, 2017, 03:23:51 AM
Hello everyone,

I just finished an Aion Refractor but the volume is extremely quiet. I have to turn the amp up to 11 to barely hear it. Any advice on where I should be looking for the problem?
General Questions / Finishing enclosures. Free Chicken
January 12, 2017, 06:53:15 AM
So if I wanted to put a piece of paper on an aluminum enclosure and sprayed some clear enamel on it, would that hold the paper there forever?
Open Discussion / Check out this combo
January 04, 2017, 04:09:00 AM
Hey check out this combo I'm working on ;)
Hello all.

I built the Glam pcb , but the effect is not working. I do get a bypass signal and when the effect is engaged I get signal, but there is no chorusing going on. The Green LED at the top (D2) stays lit the entire time and does not flicker. I've tried different transistors and ICs but no results. I have attached photos and voltages.

I appreciate any help that I can get.
Mods / Smoothie Mix Mod
November 18, 2016, 04:25:53 AM
Hello everyone,

I want to build the smoothie pcb, but I've got a question about R15. So the overview states "the input signal is mixed via R15 just before the output.". Would changing R15 to a 10kA pot work as a "MIX" control? If so would I wire lugs 1 & 2 to the R15 pads and jumper lugs 2 & 3 together?

Thanks for any insights.

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General Questions / Smoothie Mix Mod
November 16, 2016, 06:03:21 AM
Hello everyone,

I want to build the smoothie pcb, but I've got a question about R15. So the overview states "the input signal is mixed via R15 just before the output.". Would changing R15 to a 10kA pot work as a "MIX" control? If so would I wire lugs 1 & 2 to the R15 pads and jumper lugs 2 & 3 together?

Thanks for any insights.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Stutr Fail help
August 08, 2016, 08:58:40 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am having issues troubleshooting this Stutr Build. When the effect is off I have sound from the guitar. Once I push the switch, silence. I took some photos and Have some voltage readings:
1: 4.46     2: 4.42   3: 4.24    4: 0.01 
5: 4.24     6: 4.19     7:   4.45    8: 8.85

1: varies   2: varies  3: varies  4: 0.00
5: varies   6:  varies  7: varies  8: varies

I re-flowed any questionable joints, no luck. I appreciate any help I could get.
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / THE L PAD
August 07, 2016, 03:07:29 AM
hello everyone,
What does the L pad on the PCBs connect to? For example, the stutr PCB.
Open Discussion / Take Pity On Me
June 06, 2016, 03:25:08 AM
Hello everyone,

I've successfully built 2 pedals. One was point to point, the other, well, it was pretty ugly. I am currently working on the the 1590G pedals from this site. I've spent hours trying to trouble shoot what I'm doing wrong. I am currently building the  Mimik pedal. I've checked all my solders on the PCB and everything looks clear. I have finished the off board wiring, but I still am not getting any sound through the pedal. Does anyone have a wiring diagram/ or gut shots that I can compare my work to?  Thank you so much in advance.

-Flock of Bees