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Topics - rpack78

Build Reports / Upper Decker (Triple Wreck)
May 12, 2016, 10:43:37 PM

Painted a black enclosure with metallic acrylic paint, then poured Envirotex on it.

Obligatory gut shot.

Decided to add some vinyl letters since I haven't had much luck with paint pens.  Also haven't figured out a better way to get graphics on dark pedals.  If anyone has any secrets to share regarding this, I'd appreciate any help I can get!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Slow Loris needs love
May 02, 2016, 04:15:33 PM
Finished the Slow Loris a couple weeks ago and it sounds pretty good except for a couple issues:

1.  With the Cut knob fully clockwise, I wish it had more highs.  With it even in the 12 o'clock position it's practically unusable because it sounds too muddy and bassy.
2.  The sweep knob doesn't seem to make any audible difference in tone.
3.  The volume could be a tad louder.

I read on the build document that leaving out R10 could solve my volume problem.  Going to try that.  And I also read that increasing C8 will bring the frequencies lower in the spectrum, so I'm assuming decreasing it will bring it up into the higher spectrum.  Does that sound like the fix I need for my tone problem?  Perhaps doing both of those things will magically fix my sweep knob.

Any advise will be appreciated.
Build Reports / Chunk Chunk - Dr Rectifier
April 25, 2016, 02:26:57 PM