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Topics - okeephoss

got frustrated while desoldering and removed 9 to 12 oclock of a solder pad on the non solder side... everything is still intact.  The solder side is fine.
Dumb question I know...
General Questions / Uber tuber switch
July 16, 2021, 05:21:58 AM

Is it okay to wire the switch like this? 

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when you're done soldering for the day... never did this.  Had success all these years without properly maintaining my soldering iron... there's a bunch of stuff online about tip maintenance... How do you go about it and should I spend $70 on a Weller iron...

General Questions / VFE bumblebee ?
June 30, 2021, 04:15:49 AM
These 4 pads seem impossible to solder independently... are they intended to be soldered together? 

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But pedal is not working, can I assume it's something to do with wiring and or bypass switch.. no signal when bypassed, but signal comes through when engaged.  With a VERY slight effect signal. 

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pedal works fine, sounds great... all voltages are on point.  Except on bypass there is a high pitched squeal.  Turning the clock trim up all the way the squeal goes away.  when using the "tail" bypass there is zero squeal.  I'm cool with just leaving the effect bypass on all the time and using the tail as the bypass.  but I imagine something is amiss.  any input? 
General Questions / Headtrip 2 question
May 30, 2021, 04:16:28 AM
Just curious... what does the Crystal accomplish in the signal chain?  Built one today and it's very fun and great sounding. 

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General Questions / Setback - no effect?
May 29, 2021, 08:44:58 PM
Virtually zero sign of a delay effect.  Guitar signal cuts out completely w MIX knob up all the way.  Just thought I'd post a couple pics here just in case y'all see something... gonna have to make an audio probe.  Have yet to do that. 

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recently populated the Setback delay with mostly 1/8 r's though the build doc calls for 1/4.  powers up fine, no burning.  but effect is non existent.  Desoldered all 1/8 as it's the only thing i can see as wrong in the build.  Gonna repopulate w 1/4 watt r's Could that be the issue? thx
Tech Help - Projects Page / dig dug 2 grounding question..
September 17, 2016, 11:07:34 PM
Got everything working, while pedal is engaged.  Works perfectly but it's chaos in bypass mode.  I get signal, but lots of noise too..
pretty sure I have it all grounded correctly.. have it wired exactly like in the schematic..  cables are good... nice clean signal when pedal is engaged... is there another grounding step when testing outside the box?
Tech Help - Projects Page / total recall question...
September 05, 2016, 04:31:12 AM
it's working just fine, sounds great except the delay has a slight hum, or "hiss" on the repeats... any reason for this? 
thanks in advance... I'm not using a battery.  I should have ordered the mono, but i got of these...
where's the sleeve, tip, ring? 
Am I missing something.  I used BC 549 instead of the BC550's.. the pinouts are same based on my googling.
Open Discussion / excellent work on the Moodring...
July 18, 2016, 02:10:30 AM
I've played tons of reverbs as I'm sure we all have, but this thing really shines.  Great character and tone...
Found myself playing for 2 hours with new inspiration I haven't gotten out of a pedal in a while.  so thanks Brian..
Beats the shit out of the stock verb on my DeVille.  An added plus is that with an amp's spring some tone is lost IMO.  This keeps your the connection between fingers, guitar and amp in tact while adding a nice flavor to it.  Cheers...
to achieve solid connection and neatness? thanks
I aways just bend lead to secure it in place.  there's gotta be a better way.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Mood ring trouble
July 11, 2016, 01:21:30 AM
Green diode lights, can get a bypass signal but no effect and on/off led does not light. 
After a increasing high pitched squeal happens and SUPER loud.  Could this be a bad tl072 chip? 
Says the electrolytic caps should be 16 or 25v... I'm having a hard finding the 1uF's in that range.  Gotta ton at 50v... Can I use these?? thx