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Topics - clifford

General Questions / 5 pads for trimpot on PCB?
July 24, 2016, 05:05:49 PM

I came across this and wasn't sure what to do. It's the area to fit a trimpot on a PCB for a BYOC Phase 90. As you can see in the photo it has 5 pads. Am I to just fit a regular trimpot on there with 3 pins and ignore the other two?


General Questions / Naughty Fish 2nd LED always on?
June 18, 2016, 03:26:26 PM

I just finished my Naughty Fish build and am very happy with the results. It sounds amazing and although fitting it inside a 1590B was tricky, I eventually got it running in one day.

One thing I'm not sure of is that my 2nd LED light is always on, even when the pedal is not turned on. Is this right?
