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Topics - Kartoffelkopf

Build Reports / Uproar (modded)
January 24, 2017, 12:11:54 AM
This weekend's project was an Uproar, with SMRB and presence, as well as some value changes and a few other tweaks.

Modifications other than those in the build document are: Cap changes - 33pF in place of 47pF, 100pF in place of 470pF, and both C8 and C9 for 22n.  I then moved R8 between C9 and R7, and used hookup wire to connect C8 to the #1 pad for the tone control.  I maybe should have installed a pair of sockets for C10 - I used a 6.8n, which sounds good, but my curious side wonders how a higher value might sound.  I might swap out the clear blue LED for a diffused one, and possibly some other diode swaps, but the clipping options sound alright as is, but it's definitely more easily audible at lower gain settings. 

All in all, it sounds excellent - at lower gain, it's an amazing sounding overdrive, and cranked up it sounds almost exactly like my amp's preamp cranked up, but with a bucketful or so of extra gain. 

Build Reports / Small Clone (Tonepad Heladito)
January 05, 2017, 01:04:46 PM
I built this one over the last week or so.  I managed to stuff it into a 1590B - it's tight, but it fits - and the wiring is slightly messy but the extra length was needed to squeeze it in there.  You might notice I didn't have quite all the cap values called for in the BOM - I made do with some parallel caps.  Box art is, well, Plain Jane, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to come up with a clever name or print decals or anything, and I had some rub-on letters I've been wanting to test on something.  The sound of this pedal more than makes up for it. 

Build Reports / Current Lover '15
December 05, 2016, 07:38:01 PM
Finished this bad girl up on Friday.  I've got it calibrated, but I'm still going to play around with T1 and clock just a touch to squeeze out a bit more feedback. Minute adjustments is an understatement!  All in all, it sounds fantastic. Build was easy and I came across no issues at all.  Socketed R1 for humbuckers as indicated in the build doc. 

Squeezed inside a 1590BB, I had to modify (read: mangle) a pair of enclosed switching jacks to get a good fit with decent clearance.  Enclosure is etched and painted with Tamiya acrylic paint.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Cave Dweller 1 echo madness
February 20, 2016, 04:34:10 AM
I assembled my home etched board for the original Cave Dweller (2012), and was had it on the test rig today. Time and Dwell pots are working as advertised, however the there's something not right with the Echo control.  It's fine until close to 9 o'clock, after that it becomes a mess.  Infinite repeats, oscillation... much like the dwell control after 12, but cleaner (at the start, anyways. After a few seconds it begins to distort the output).  From what I gather, I should be able to turn the Echo right up.  I checked for solder bridges but can't see any.  I'll have to nab a better magnifier from work to check for sure.  Any other ideas that could help point me in the right direction?