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Topics - tone seeker

 Well it was bound to happen, at some point. I was building a Rubidium reverb ( DBA
Reverberation Machine), and I wired the 9 volts to the board backwards.
I already replaced the 78l05, and the TL074 IC incase it fried them.
Will reverse voltage take out the Belton BTDR-3H.
  I'm not getting any effect, so I was curious if it could be fried?
Open Discussion / Fv-1 IC chips, where to buy?
November 16, 2020, 03:20:54 PM
 So I wanted to build the new Madbean project,
But Small Bear is out of stock, of
The FV-1 IC chips. Is there anywhere else I
Can purchase these?
Well I obtained a DoD octoplus, at a flea market,
And, it's giving me trouble. I've checked it, with
A new battery, and power supply.
  At first, when I would plug into the
Input, it would automatically, be in
Effect mode, and work. Than when I go to
Click it off, (bypass). It won't turn back on.
I've tried several switches, (momentary) and
They do the same thing. I checked the circuit for
Dead caps, fiddle with it, and than it switches, off
And on, no problem! So l box it back up, and it's,
Back to it's old tricks!
  I really do not know (nor understand), how the
Switch interacts, with the circuit, turning it off,
and On. Let alone what the true problem is. I
Have wired up 2 different switches, with the
Same problem, so I really don't think thats it.
  Any idea's on where in the circuit I could look.
Or is it maybe bad wiring, to the input, and
Output jacks?
Open Discussion / NGD! Trevor Rabin Signature guitar
November 13, 2018, 11:24:39 PM
 3 years ago, I got ahold of this guitar, to set It up, replace parts, and get it back
To the way it should be. Well, the original owner decided to let it go. I told the
Owner, back when I fixed it up, that if she was to sell it, let me know. I already
Have a solid body Alverez electric guitar, back when they were discontinued,
And I always liked the feel of the neck (minus it's other short comings).
This guitar is a AER300BK Trevor Rabin signature model.
So, I had to take it apart (again), and clean it up (smells like cigarettes and alcohol)
Get it back into shape. Back in the day (1993), it retailed for around $900, and I
know the Original owner payed that for it. It has it's plus and minus points to
It. Like a brass block on the Floyd Rose, adjustable saddles on the bridge, split
Coil switch, on the humbucker, a very nice cutaway, for the upper frets, neck
Through, curved body that's real comfortable.
   The negative points, would be, the way it's put together. Stuff, that should have
Easily been caught, like the spring claw for the bridge, is way off. The wiring mess
In the cavity, a guitar tuner, that is a liitle crooked, and I am not sure about the
Pickups. The pickups have no labels, or markings, to indicate what they are. They
Sound really nice, thick, with gain. I noticed though, they feedback really easily
(Which I wonder if they really just need swapped out). I got it for $200, and I really
Love the neck, and how easy it is to get up, high on the neck. I think that's what I
Like the best. Other than that, it stays in tune, and plays awesome.

I would like to find out more about the pickups, if anyone has any info, that
Would be helpful. Otherwise, I'm gonna try to keep it as original as possible.
 After buying up rolls at Radio Shack,
I have been buying rolls up, at a flea market,
I go to. I mean, they sell them 50 cents, to
A dollar, so why not!
  I think I've picked up, about 10 full rolls
Within this summer hunting. I'm afraid
That sooner than later, we'll have to
Use the lead free crap.
  I did buy a large roll of kester solder
Recently, but it's tarnished. Anyway to
Clean it up? Does it mess with the
Performance of the solder, or not?
 I picked up a old wah pedal, that didn't work
But, was perfect, for extra space.
I was wanting a Jimi Hendrix sound
For the wah, which I have a Guitar
PCB board for. Just need to get the
Appropriate parts for that.
so I think I have that figured
Out. I wanted to add fuzz, and phaser.
I am really looking for that "Whose
That Lady" sound.
From what I've looked up, a Univibe,
Or phaser, added with a Big Muff,
Can get close to this.
So I was wondering which would
Sound better. A phaser effect, or
The MBP Stage Freight, wired for
I could just go with a Big Muff for
Fuzz, but I was thinking about using
A fuzz effect, put out by Guitar PCB,
For that 70's "In A Gadfa Da Vidda"
Fuzz sound.
Any advice, on different effects, or
Special parts to use would be helpful!
 I was ordering some other things, when I came across some opto couplers, which I'm pretty sure could be used as vactrols.
The ma seems a little high, but for a $1 each, I figured I would give them a try. Just thought I would pass
the deal along!
 Sorry, if this is a no-brainer, dumb question. But
What I really want is that huge swooshing sound.
The same heard on Eric Johnson's
"High Landrons". I read there was some studio
Magic, using 2 effects at a time, and all kinds
Of crazy stuff. But I'm just looking for close! If I
Can't make it, I'll buy a flanger, but I would rather
Not spend a grand.

Any suggestions or builds I should check out?
 As soon as I received the pedal, I just had to pop it open, before even using it!
It's a bunch of smd stuff, along with Chong electrolytic caps. I know past builders
had some problems with those. I haven't, but just thought I would point it out. I really
have not had a chance to put it through it's paces in a good amp, but it is what it is. Technique
is definitely involved

Open Discussion / So is anyone using smd mn3007 IC's
March 29, 2017, 03:36:34 AM
Well there's definitely a huge price difference, but I'm curious if
They work the same as regular mn3007 chips. I'm not real thrilled
With soldering those tiny leads, but I will if they work the same!
  There is this sound on guitar, at the beginning, and end of "Computer Blue"'.

I've been told it is feedback, but it reminds me of Ibanez AF2, when you turn the Enhance control. It's like a high pitch squeal, that changes
it's pattern, or tempo. I know he used mainly Boss pedals, along with a wah. I just can't figure out what he's doing there!

Any idea's? Link below!