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Topics - GCUZakalwe

General Questions / Distortion for bass
March 13, 2016, 02:45:06 AM
This may have come up somewhere here before but I was wondering which Madbean distortion project would work well for a bass.  I'm thinking of building a pedal board for my bass with just a few effects.
OK. Resistors, I know what the "K" means at the end of the value but what is the "M" and "R" mean?  I'm sure this have been gone over before and I'm sorry to bring up such basic stuff but I'm  still trying to wrap my head around all the different ways to write the values of resistors and capacitors.  I can read the marking on them ok but the materials lists and other websites keep using different codes that all mean the same thing. 
Thanks for the help guys.
I'm a little confused by the letters in the materials list next to the capacitor values.  When I go the sites to buy caps  I see uF and pF and mF but no n caps.  Do I need to convert the values?  And what is the values for the ones listed as 2n2 or 1n8 and such.  I'm just starting to study this sort of thing and what I am seeing in the stores don't seem to match the stuff on the list.