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Topics - thatirishsob

Errata, Corrections, Revisions / Boneyard
May 18, 2011, 11:52:28 PM
In the Boneyard Notes it tells to use ~ a 5K resistor to turn a 10k pot to 5K but this would get about a 3.5k pot. A 10k resistor would get you the 5K though. Just caught that as I was building mine  ;D I can not wait to get this bad boy fired up, thanks for another awesome build Brian! 

Requests / BJF emerald green distortion machine
May 08, 2011, 12:51:58 AM
I'm really interested in seeing the design of the bjf emerald green distortion machine but can't find a schematic anywhere. Any of you gents happen to have it?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Seriously odd
March 12, 2011, 04:01:27 AM
So I finally got around to finishing up my Sunking and things sounded great until I started turning knobs. The Vol works exactly as I would expect it too but the Gain and Tone both act as volume controls along with their designated functions. What I mean is that when the Gain is turned all the way down it's nice and clean but there is also very little volume, gain goes up and the volume increases right along with it! And not just a slight volume increase but a major volume change. It's the same with the Tone control, all the way to the left it's all bass but almost no volume and to the right it's boosting my amp into clipping. In all my years of building pedal I have never come across anything like this so hopefully you, my brilliant peers, will be able to help me come up with a solution. Any and all advise would be greatly appreciated!