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Topics - Apocalypto

Hi guys.  I'm new to pedal building.  I started with BYOC for simplicity sake, and I've got a bunch of Madbean boards now backed up that I plan to build.

I'm learning a ton on this forum and just wanted to thank everyone for their amazing help with their information, tips and tricks.  In terms of finishes, I always wanted to make my pedals look cool (or at least give it a shot as opposed to using an unfinished enclosure with labels on it! ;D

I just wanted to share the finishes I've done.  I'm very happy with my first attempts at building and finishing.

The first is the BYOC Chorus.  I had a very talented lady named Christel Chan do the painting for me. Christel does Graphic Design/Illustration and other artwork. She came up with the design after we discussed the basic ideas I wanted. She did a great job!  :)

I wish I could have done a better job on the Envirotex finish, but this was my first attempt so I did what I could. It's a little wobbly and uneven in some parts, but the paint job is nice and protected.

The second pedal is the BYOC FET (AWESOME pedal!)

For this one I wanted to try a decal. I found this Godzilla movie poster and thought it would work well.

The sun at the top was nicely positioned so that the LED would be in the center. I changed out the red LED and used a yellow instead. I bought a bunch of knobs and these ones seem to work well, but I may end up getting green ones later.

Hey guys.  I bought a vintage wah kit on ebay and put it all together and I'm struggling to understand why I'm not getting any wah sound.

Basically I'm getting a clean signal with the switch both on and off.  It's very perplexing.

Are there any other builders in the Vancouver area who have experience with these older wahs?  It's a pretty simple design so it's frustrating I can't get it going.
Open Discussion / Tokai TCH-1
February 08, 2015, 12:01:33 AM
Hi guys.  I just bought an old Tokai  TCH-1 and it doesn't work.

When you hit the switch the LED lights up and there's a slight tonal change, but the knobs and switch don't alter the sound.

I opened it up and poked around but I'm not even sure where to start figuring out which part(s) might be causing the "lack of effect".

Is it cool to post some photos here in this sub-forum and see if anyone can help me with ideas?

Here are some photos.  It seems like it would be a cool pedal.  Hopefully it will be something simple causing the inert sonics.

This is a stitched photo to see the whole board a little closer.