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Topics - dadler

Open Discussion / Good soft-touch momentary switches
December 07, 2014, 10:40:58 PM

Hi all-

I have several 1776 finish line relay bypass boards (and a bunch more on the way), and I am converting most of my builds over to use these as they are spectacular.

However, I can't seem to find a soft touch switch (normally open, of course) that I actually like. The closest I can find, and I have a few of them, is the R13-85A1-05 which is common and made somewhere in asia. However, the build quality on these is pretty low (especially for the price).

I can live with the switch not being an actual footswitch, as long as it is pretty robust and operates really smoothly. I really enjoy extremely smooth operation in the hardware and high build quality.

The ones at PPP ( ) seem to be identical to the R13-85A1-05 switches. I think these are same ones that are all over eBay?

Any ideas? I have browsed and queried Mouser, but other than a couple of the Carling models (which have really strong springs in them, not soft touch at all), nothing looks appropriate for a pedal.

One mechanism I like, is what Tech21 uses in their para driver boxes. Let me see if I can take a pic of my para driver DI:

They use a PCB mounted click switch (it's really quiet though), and a panel mounted spring/footswitch assembly. I like the feel of this, but I have no idea where to source the panel mounted spring/switch assembly.